the world is how you are
Despite the chaos I often feel my life is swept up in, I have my moments of clarity. I also have my moments of weakness, moments, of suffering, moments of confusion, frustration, elation - you get the picture.
'Normal' life is all of these things and despite having what I feel is a mindful approach to life, I know that the chaos of existence is always whirling. I'm looking out the window, seeing the wind play in the trees, seeing the wind whip the trees, seeing the tree suffer the wind, seeing the tree play in the wind, seeing autumn approach, - none of this is true yet it all is.
Seeing that life is always just open and that we constantly place our story on top of what is there is a fascination to me. Like mind is tracing paper and we outline that which means something to us and the rest is a barely seen, clouded version, now obscured through our own outlining. And we have to do this! Otherwise we wouldn't be discerning, or safe, or ok.
It's about safety. Seeing things a certain way keeps us safe. Or in other words, perhaps our mind wants us to see things a certain way because it thinks it's protecting us? Two people can look at the same piece of art and see completely different things.
Basically, I'm trying to turn this round to the rapid resolution perspective, because that's what I want to write about. I've been running free sessions all summer and have learned loads. I've assisted many people with different issues but what I've seen is that I've been particularly effective around things that are anxiety-related. Things which cause anxiety for people. These things can be debilitating and can close down so much of what's possible for people. I know this from experience.
Stuckness around fear and anxiety can daub panic and greyness over every scene we're involved with, so our world becomes small and limited.
I'm interested in assisting more people around anxiety and fear and I'd love it if you could recommend me.
Our minds want to keep us safe but it often ends up being dysfuctional, and as Jon Connolly, the Rapid Resolution guy says "Our minds are dysfunctional, and that is also normal." We often spend time 'feeling bad about feeling bad', as if it shouldn't be happening, but what RRT helps us see is that dysfunctional is normal, i.e. mind is trying to keep us safe but is doing it badly - then we can release ourselves from that.
Please get in touch if you want try RRT, or recommend me to somebody if you wish.
Here's some more info and you can read some recommendations here too:

rapid resolution therapy sessions
For the whole of this year so far I’ve been training in a healing modality called Rapid Resolution Therapy. I have now completed over 100 hours of training, including a 60 hour Certificate in…
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