super fuzzy fun times
In this world of attention grabbing, life changing, claim making, game playing culture I find myself somewhat on the edge of, I see a place for what I do and what I say. That keeps me going and helps me see others and their voices too. We live in a world that does not support people to be themselves but to push themselves beyond who they are until they become part of the distorted, screaming picture of reality we see in front of us.
We're pretty much encouraged to trample who we are in favour of keeping others happy and looking good. Every decision a step up or down a ladder of another's judgement. We are that judgemental and it is difficult to break out of.
But not impossible! Ok, nearly impossible! But not entirely!
I remembered the other day, after talking to someone I hadn't met before, that I hadn't said anything about simple nature connection for a while and the benefits of spending a short amount of time just sitting. So here goes:
Go somewhere outdoors; could be your garden, top of a mountain, your local park.
Phone on silent, set an alarm for 20 minutes.
Sit there and see what happens and whatever you do, do not check the time.
And that's it!
For me that's the entry point into non-judgement and humility. Ok, here's a bit more. Take these ideas with you:
The natural world does not judge - no matter how much you judge or provoke it. It might maim or even kill you but it will never judge you!
The human mind is the source of all misery. Of course it is also the source of all satisfaction. You will never get away from the mind but nature's frequencies happen to make it less stupid.
Sitting alone in the natural world opened a portal for me, something that continues to be open and feeds everything I do. And it has always led me closer to non-judgement because I had to stop judging my every move to enjoy the true chillness of the natural world. It takes time but it does work. Try 20 minutes first, see how it goes.
2 more things
The free rapid resolution sessions have been going so well that I'm booked up for every session I could fit in before the end of August. I'm blown away. I will be charging for sessions from September. I've been getting some amazing results and am buzzing to have the tools to help people with challenging issues.
The nature retreat that covid killed is being resurrected and will be run in September as a mens retreat. One thing I got from covid was to push what I want to do a little more and stretch my comfort zone with the space I intend to hold and who I attract. So, bring on the male nature connected weekend retreat space in September!
Have a good weekend