Something I keep bumping into with clients and in the world.
Everyone knows what I'm referring to when I'm saying "it's got to be perfect" - this has some kind of meaning for everyone.
The we have the beast of perfectionism, shitting all over our ideas. So what is it?
Have you found out yet?
What's that you say? Nothing?! It's nothing, just an idea?!
That's weird.
Perfectionism, if taken apart is...nothing. It's like fear. Hang on, it is fear. And what I've found with fear is that it is nothing, i.e. there is nothing behind it. It only exists in our minds and therefore isn't real.
So the idea of perfectionism is an excuse made by the mind to mask that there's a fear. Simple. So where's the fear from? That's yours to work with but I can tell you now that no fear is too big to bust through, using certain words and actions - call it magic if you want.
So, all I wanted to say really is that when we look at what we have come to call 'perfection', we're actually calling fear 'perfection' and that's because we're trying to protect ourselves from it.
It's like calling your aggressive pet pit bull 'Fluffy' and going "ooh aren't you the cutest little thing?!", when in truth it's an annoying little shit and everyone except you knows it!
That's the cool stuff we do to not do stuff. But remember, it's al because the mind is trying to protect us from perceived threat! More on that later.
So, in conclusion, perfection is not the impossible mask of fear, it is actually....EVERYTHING!! How could we possibly do anything that's not perfect? When my two year old draws a cat and tells me it's a cat, I go "that's great!" I don't look him solemnly in the eye and say "it's not a cat it's a scribble, so get real, mate."
Everything is perfect. We try stuff, it feels difficult. Keep trying, keep doing, keep moving towards it. The effort is perfect because it has come from you and everything you do is perfect because it has come from you. You wouldn't say to nature, "that tree is a failure because its branch fell off". No, it's perfect. There is no scale of perfection in nature. Nature just makes stuff, and makes stuff and makes stuff. Nature makes everything happen and we don't judge it.
You are nature, you are perfect. Your idea of perfection is perfect. Your fear is perfect. Nothing needs to change.
Everything is perfect