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Why do we want to go within?
I don't know about you, but I do. Why is what is called 'spirituality', 'the inner life', 'faith' felt to now be about mythology and bunkum, simplistic stories our infantile ancestors left for us, which we have now grown out of?
I'll just leave that one there for now.. have a think
This week I start my new mindfulness course, you can do it for 20p or £2 million - it's up to you! It has absolutely no value yet it is infinitely valuable - which one will you choose. It's not about money, it's about going within. There is still time to sign up. It starts Wednesday https://endless-river.org/mindfulness-training/
Next week I start my Nature Mindfulness Course! Equally it is invaluable and without value - which one means what to you? 5p or £50k? Maybe it's the same thing? Whatever, I know it will be deep and meaningful for those present. https://endless-river.org/meeting-your-nature/
Bring yourself into a different state of thinking, of experiencing the natural world - feel more, feel your feelings more, ask yourself what you are worrying about. Ask yourself what you are searching for. Is the world giving you enough or are you not possible to satisfy?
Bring it all out, shake it loose. Shed your leaves, die to your reality. Now is the time.
With a wish for peace and love and openness for you in your life.