New Stuff Coming
How do?
Not everything goes your way. That’s an interesting one. What is ‘your way’ anyway? Sinatra’s way?
The Idea of ‘my way’ sounds uncompromising - you know, kinda arrogant maybe? As much as I’d like it my way I don’t really want it My Way. Or do I?
What does it look like? The more I think about it the more I see there’s now way life can be My Way, cos when I want it My Way I’m soon to be disappointed. Brings up thoughts like “Well, if I’d done that, then…” or “if only I’d…” - It’s so funny. But it might look totally different to you.
So when I’m stuck in a place of digging my heels in “it shouldn’t be like this”, “why did I make this happen?” ‘Why is it not different?” that’s me trying to have it My Way. Like my nearly three year old does - it’s toddler stuff.
So it’s best for everyone if I flip that. I mean if My Way means being closed to what LIFE is bringing, I don’t stand a chance and therefore I am in a battle, trying to change something that just is. Like trying to reroute a stream to go uphill.
Can I trust the stream, release and go with it? Even if it means the route seems to take me further away sometimes? It’s not easy but if I can remember that that’s what’s happening, things might just ease up a little.
Thanks Alice ;-)
A few months back I had a meeting with the manager of Calderdale Recovery Steps about having one to one sessions with their service users. That meeting turned on its head and became something far different to what I thought it would be. In a few weeks’ time I’ll be training 50 staff (in groups of 10, for 12 weeks) in mindfulness techniques, and the principles of the RRT technique I’ve been learning and practicing for 18 months now.
I’m so looking forward to being able to bring some ease to the minds and every day experience of the hard working staff who themselves work with 700 Service Users on a regular basis. The idea is to support the staff so they can be more grounded and listen in a trauma-aware way, to find space in the chaos of an ever broadening client base and feel that what they are doing is enough and has value.
This feels like a real privilege, so I’m dead excited to be sharing the news here, now.
My Way is part of the bendy-curvy-twisty route that sometimes feels way off course, then can suddenly make sense, in a roundabout way.