more news is good news
Hey there
This year is starting off with a certain flavour. I have 2 things to talk about . One is related to trauma and addiction and another is about my amazing wife, Beth. She's doing a free 'Set Your Course' workshop on the 24th. Beth is an amazing coach and has supported hundreds of people to move forward with dreams and connecting them to their lives in a more fulfilling and empowered way. It's free! Whaddya got to lose?!
Recovery World & Trauma
Movement towards working more with people who need it is happening. Everyone needs some kind of support, though, I know that.
I've started doing evaluated, sometimes funded RRT sessions for people wanting to quit and move on from substances that can easily destroy their lives and deeply damage the lives of their families. So far it's been amazing to see what can be done quickly with RRT and the perspective and it's transforming how I'm looking at addiction. The traditional model states that it's a disease, a sickness. I'm relatively new to it but the way things are going it's becoming apparent that certain life events, coupled with an allergic response would appear to be more the case.
And so I wanted to talk about trauma, a little.
I'm no expert, but in truth I don't believe anyone is. Trauma is something that's generally avoided by therapists, or at least treated in a certain way, i.e. it's mysterious, dangerous to go near and you have to be super, mega careful and it might take the rest of one's life to work through. 'My trauma, it's mine!'
And while it may be yours, unless you're doing something to shift it, you are letting it influence your choices and probably bring you closer to misery. There is little point in trying to understand or know your trauma better, because although the result of trauma is a certain behaviour designed to keep you safe from more trauma (useful), that behaviour can then influence a lot of what you do and make you miserable whilst you're trying to control the world so as to not feel that issue stimulated again (useless). Make sense?
If you are ready to move on from what can be a crippling response to trauma then I'd be happy to assist. Shifting our behavioural responses to trauma is a big part of RRT, along with reframing how we look at it all. This can be a stress point and a trigger for all sorts of compulsive behaviours, including what we call addiction.
I'm so chuffed to now be assisting people with what can be debilitating mind states, seeing them change and shift and open up in a new way. So beautiful.
I'm always looking for more people to work with and others who might be generous enough to fund a session for someone who badly needs it and can't afford it.
Get in touch! Share this email!
Have a lovely weekend