live event in Tod, 19th April
It's been an eventful (read difficult) few weeks and, as always, insight and challenge aplenty.
So here we are in the soggy spring - everything reluctantly moving forward into the nature of what is. It's been a bit rainy. I see how while I often have the option of remaining indoors the world out there does not slow. The light is pushing everything forward and so I must join in.
I'm doing a live thing next week, which I'm excited about. I'm calling it Hope in Meaning and it's a music and spoken word event and the lovely Kindness Cafe in Todmorden, happening next Friday 19th April.
The idea is to bring some more spaciousness to words I'm interested in sharing, call it ideas marinaded in melody, words warmly wandering within. I'd love lots of people to come and am certainly nervous and excited in equal measure. It promises to be very chilled. Dan plays guitar beautifully and is himself a calming presence and as soon as we had a go at this it felt just right. You can hear some of Dan's music here

That's it for now. Lots brewing though
See you soon I hope