Forward Moving Beings
I have been immersed in the Rapid Resolution Therapy world for nearly a year now and in so many ways it's helping me relook at my beliefs, or maybe to reopen what I thought closed or not possible. And by that I mean possibilities!
To be effective has always been my wish. I'm a dreamer and I live in my imagination, I take things in and they get churned around come out reformed. Somtimes it's useful, sometimes, not so useful! None of it's good or bad though, right? I mean, why would you say this is 'bad' and that's 'good'? Because we judge ourselves harshly. I'm talking about out Inner World. And really it's all to do with helping others with theirs. I am running sessions in addiction recovery now and getting good results, taking some of the burden away from people who are already going through so much!
I'm lucky enough to have a steady stream of people coming my way for sessions and I'm inviting to invite you to give it a go.
So much of the technique is relating a perspective - ultimately our mind is there to look after us and only has our survival and well being as it's one true goal. That's kind of it! The next bit is finding solutions to shift that which has been holding us back or stuck and figure a way through.
We can spend so much of our time thinking that our mind is out to get us or we're getting in our own way or we're not doing what we should or could be doing or perhaps what we shouldn't have done. All perfectly understandable and also perfectly malleable.
In a society which tells us things should be a certain way, trains shound be on time, you should have this much sleep and that many calories, this much exercise and that much happiness - it's very confusing, to put it mildly. You should be like this. You are like that.
How about this? You are not your mind. You have a mind. You are not your body. You have a body.
RRT helps to bring us back to our own inner compass, breaking long-standing habits and patterns most often based upon expectations and experiences that have been traumatic and have become 'stuck'. Those stucknesses can be shifted and more energy and 'purpose' found.
I made a new (not totally finished) site for this work (it's play, actually, not work!) because I know how useful and transformative this way of looking at things is and I would love for everyone to feel more freedom. Sessions can be fun and exciting and creative and enjoyable. It's not about delving or asking people to share the stuff they really don't want to but it's about moving forward. Because that's what we do - we move forward. The mind gets stuck but everything else is always moving forward.
Get in touch to give it a go. For you lovely people I'm not fussed about what you can pay, I'm just keen to share and for people to give it a go.
Give me a shout! Share this with someone you know who might be a bit stuck and is sick of it. Get in touch if you're sick of the same old stuff coming up, holding you back.
Ask me some questions about it, let's have a chat!
Thanks and have a lovely day!