the easy stream
watching mind and body (and we're off to Substack))
November 29, 2024
Coming back to mindfulness basics is always a great thing. Knowing that whatever is happening for us is happening through the body and the mind always gets...
believe it or believe it
November 26, 2024
thoughts on structures of belief. when I get past my stories of what actually causes things like anxiety and sadness I see that what I see as the 'reasons'...
the advance of trance
November 11, 2024
This has been flying around in my mind since I was a kid, when I used to sit on a tractor for hours on end listening to music, doing nothing but driving up...
Will we survive?
November 6, 2024
What can we do? It’s a question I come around to a lot. What is motivating me to act or think in a certain way? Mind is a minefield. I have to keep reminding...
This Saturday in Hebden
November 4, 2024
Here’s a sample of our super-chilled, nature inspired words and music to soothe and bring some perspective. Give yourself the space to just sit for a bit and...
Music and Meditation Event, 9th November
October 26, 2024
Hear ye! Book your ticket here! A fortnight today Dan Bridgwood-Hill and myself will be setting up at The Hebden...
My Body
October 16, 2024
When I get bothered by little things I try to remind myself that I am millions of years old. Hang on, billions of years old. The body I have has been...
In appreciation of WE
October 10, 2024
Here's some words to celebrate the complex, subtle ingenious ways our minds adapt and then portray the issues in our lives. It's only real to have some...
so mean
September 25, 2024
You’ve probably heard the story of the little boy who sees the monster standing in his bedroom staring at him. He shouts for his mammy, who comes and turns...
chill time - free relaxation sessions available
September 19, 2024
Hey there At the moment I’m looking to increase my one to one client base and I have some free stuff to offer. As I’m training to do solution focused...
September 10, 2024
Is the word I associate with something that gets dropped, resulting in a noisy emission. So I thought about unity and disunity and the words that get us so...
looking after
August 15, 2024
Hiya! Today’s question is “am I looking after myself?” When the answer is “I’m not sure” this probably means that I’m not. When taking care of myself...
Anxious to help
July 3, 2024
I’ve been doing much work around anxiety lately and I feel very close to it. Knowing it’s a dysfunction but one we all have. Why a dysfunction, though?...
We are Change
June 14, 2024
Change is what we is From the top down, inside out change is our thing. We are moving things, things that move, there is no part of us that doesn’t, we are...
what's a belief, when it's at home?
May 17, 2024
I so love this. When I started looking at things like beliefs I was like “What?” How is a belief affecting me? Then I got closer and saw that beliefs are...
New Stuff Coming
May 9, 2024
How do? Not everything goes your way. That’s an interesting one. What is ‘your way’ anyway? Sinatra’s way? The Idea of ‘my way’ sounds uncompromising - you...
tonight in Tod and what matters?
April 19, 2024
Tumultuousness. That’s a word which had to come out just now for starters. Lots of ‘u’s' in that word. I was talking to my lovely neighbour yesterday,...
live event in Tod, 19th April
April 10, 2024
Hello! It's been an eventful (read difficult) few weeks and, as always, insight and challenge aplenty. So here we are in the soggy spring - everything...
What is meaning meaning?
March 12, 2024
Meaning making is our favourite pastime. Would you agree? We explore meaning, we ride meaning up and down our moodwaves. This is how I see it. But what is...
Who's Afraid of the Big, Bad TRAUMAwolf?
March 8, 2024
Hey all I'm in the trauma zone at the moment. What does that mean? I suppose it means how I look at trauma is changing all the time, becoming a bit more...
Breaking Addiction
March 1, 2024
Here's a thing I'm going deeper into. We're all in recovery from something. Or maybe there are three parts; in denial (or unaware), in awareness, in...
Where is this going?
February 23, 2024
That's always something I ask myself! Why? Yes that's another one. Always nice to have a development to share. I've been talking a bit with Calderdale in...
good enuf
February 13, 2024
We are nice, we are lovely, we are great, we are beautiful. I am nice, I am lovely, I am great, I am beauiful. What do you feel when you read those words?...
life's an upndown
February 2, 2024
Something I've been talking/thinking about quite a bit lately. Working with people and the emotional stuff that's been going on for them shifts and changes...
white it out
January 19, 2024
On the school run this morning it was snowing. 2 kids in the car as cotton wool fragments scattered. The air was full of them. There was a break in the...
more news is good news
January 12, 2024
Hey there This year is starting off with a certain flavour. I have 2 things to talk about . One is related to trauma and addiction and another is about my...
New Community/Addiction Plans
January 4, 2024
This new year is bringing with it quite a bit of new stuff. New projects around addiction and recovery are coming into focus, including a new community-based...
December 27, 2023
Take a look through the mirror through the story of life. Words prove useless. Feelings prove nothing. Talk with what's there. When a path is taken it is not...
Useful or True?
December 9, 2023
I have been inspired by some discussion which came about through the email I sent about whether or not we are our mind and body. This took me to thinking...
November 28, 2023
Something I keep bumping into with clients and in the world. Everyone knows what I'm referring to when I'm saying "it's got to be perfect" - this has some...
Like Buses
November 21, 2023
Take a trip outside your mind - that's what I'd like to do, sometimes. I've tried it as it happens, loads of times but I've not managed it, mainly because...
Forward Moving Beings
November 17, 2023
Hello! I have been immersed in the Rapid Resolution Therapy world for nearly a year now and in so many ways it's helping me relook at my beliefs, or maybe to...
October 20, 2023
I've always been disappointed by TV. So I thought it's time to make a metaphor to diss it once and for all. It's a fun thing to do, anyway. Sorry if you like...
A year in recovery
October 11, 2023
I've been working with people in drugs and alcohol recovery for a year now. It's not 'my world' as in not my background but it's a beautiful and difficult...
I'm Not Working
October 3, 2023
Things about language hit me sometimes. Working or not working. We use phrases interchangeably and the other day I was struck by the crudeness of how we use...
get it clear
September 20, 2023
Just back from a fulfilling weekend mens' retreat and my reflections are on minsdet and attitude - particularly my own. For quite a while there I thought I...
Mens' retreat - free place available 15 - 17 September
September 5, 2023
Hi It's September, the kids are in school and nursery and it's summer again here! I'm looking forward to the weekend retreat, which is happening in just 10...
the world is how you are
August 21, 2023
Despite the chaos I often feel my life is swept up in, I have my moments of clarity. I also have my moments of weakness, moments, of suffering, moments of...
a man's whorl - words about men
August 6, 2023
I work in construction. I'm grateful for my job and I respect the people I work with - they work hard in an area that is pretty hardcore and unforgiving, one...
a collection of stories
July 25, 2023
This is one of those statements like "what is reality?" Meaning gives us purpose and purpose might give us a function and that might be all we need. I was...
super fuzzy fun times
July 14, 2023
In this world of attention grabbing, life changing, claim making, game playing culture I find myself somewhat on the edge of, I see a place for what I do and...
famous retreat scuppered by tiny little thing - postponed for now!
July 7, 2023
It's funny how things turn out. What we've got this weekend is the perfect weather; sunny, warm and pleasant - and then I went and got covid. It has been a...
final call
July 5, 2023
this weekend is the famous nature retreat. Famous amongst this mailing list, at least. That's the kind of fame I like. So, for the last-minuters amongst you,...
reality check
July 3, 2023
Learning more about the rapid resolution process means getting more useful with what people need assistance with. The rapid resolution therapy techniques are...
Nature Weekend very soon - 7-9 July!
June 25, 2023
Being in the outdoor space itself is liberating. You don't need to do anything, just be there. Being outside with a group of people who are opening up to a...
the meaning-less mess
June 21, 2023
When I find something that makes sense to me I like to tell people. And it's not easy to tell people. Writing is telling but in a less intrusive way, in a...
what can I do?
June 15, 2023
I'm busy right now - not right now but yeah, I spose right now. Is this me being busy? I don't know. Doesn't feel like it. When I write stuff, I mean. It...
4 weeks till nature weekend retreat, 7-9 July!
June 9, 2023
Hiya On Monday I'll be running a full day of nature connection in the woods for a group of people from The Basement Recovery Project in Halifax. I work there...
the stuff I tell myself (and myself tells me, maybe?)
May 30, 2023
Listen to your heart. What’s your body telling you? Feel into that experience. Visualise this. Sit cross-legged. Trust your gut. Trust your feelings. Breathe...
it's important to think this way
May 19, 2023 something you will never hear me say. We (I) go to lengths to make our(my)sel(f)ves feel ok, we (I) chase the feeling that we (I) feel might be the...
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