🚲 edi.bike | issue 79 | 10th Feb ‘25
your weekly edinburgh cycling digest
📰 News this Week
🎉 Celebrating the Successes - Edinburgh Critical Mass Video

A great wee video (Youtube) out this week from Edinburgh Critical Mass featuring mini interviews with folk using some of the new paths and links opened in 2024. I’m a big believer that this kind social proof is vital for breaking down some of the ‘anti’ positioning of cycling being specialist, elitist and the preserve of folks from a specific demographic and background (usually with commenters foaming at the mouth on about ‘road tax’ and weirdly obsessed with ‘lycra’). It just feels like a really strong statement to reinforce moving by cycle as the normal, everyday and diverse experience we see in reality on Edinburgh’s streets.
Critical Mass rides again on February 22nd, 2pm, from the Millennium Milepost on Middle Meadow Walk.
💚 Cargo Bike Movement Winds Down Operations; Joins The Bike Station
Edinburgh-based charity Cargo Bike Movement are winding down operations in the face of an "incredibly challenging funding environment" with The Bike Station becoming the new custodian of the Cargo Bike Movement vision and mission. — Edinburgh Live article
A pretty impossible financial landscape for many organisations, it was heartening amidst all the technicalities of ‘winding down’ to read this from CBM trustee Jonty Fairless:
It's bittersweet for everyone in Cargo Bike Movement, but moving into The Bike Station is seriously the best way to protect and further our mission here.
While technically it's a 'winding down' in reality: we're still here! Just part of a bigger team.
Watch this space! — Jonty on Bluesky
Cargo Bike Movement — alongside their activities redistributing food by cargo bike runs to avoid food going to waste — have also played a key role in making cargo bikes available to rent, try out or simply explore as an option for businesses. Tributes were posted on Bluesky and other platforms, testimonials to the importance of actually just being around and giving folks a chance to try and get advice from experienced cargo pilots before they’re able to make a commitment to what is often a bit more spend than your average cycle setup.
The Bike Station are an incredible charity and a natural fit - we wish all the best to everyone involved going forward. ✊🏼
📅 Upcoming Cargo Bike Movement Training Sessions
“We will be running four cargo bike trainings, providing in-depth instruction. The course will give you Cycling Scotland accredited training for cargo bike use, and we’ll have loads of fun!”
Email jamie@cargobikemovement.org to sign up to one of the four training sessions:
1-4pm Wednesdays, February 12th and 26th
1-4pm Wednesdays, March 12th and 26th

🚸 Parents Call for Greater Road Safety Budgets Following FOI Requests
Parent councils from 53 primary and secondary schools - representing more than half of Edinburgh’s state schools - have written to MSPs and councillors, urging an increase in road safety funding, which they say is needed to keep children safe.
The parents obtained figures through Freedom of Information (FoI) legislation showing that, as of June 2024, there were 96 red flag sites on Edinburgh City Council’s speed reduction list.
An eye-opening article. The fatalities and serious injuries we’re seeing week in, week out simply must lead to a fresh look at dangerous driving and the lack of enforcement present on our roads, or the situation will worsen. In 2025, Police Scotland also remains the only police force in the United Kingdom not to offer an online portal for the submission and efficient processing of video evidence.
🏰 Local Bits
🍂 A warning from Spokes following an accident resulting from slippery leaf mulch - something the council would ideally have sorted around the time the trees stop dropping in Autumn / early Winter, rather than February - specifically on Leamington Walk, between Bruntsfield and the Meadows. Stellar work from John Robson who took to some DIY clearing - had this been a major through-route for motor vehicles, the council would have dealt with any adverse encroachment pretty swiftly, no?
📺 A nice wee video from the Council last week, showing the Davidsons Mains Primary school Bike Bus checking out new path improvements in Davidsons Mains park on the way to school;
📋 On the subject of the Low Traffic Neighbourhood in Leith, Transport & Environment Committee Member Councillor Chas Booth posted the following to Bluesky after Leith Links Community Council shared the results [PDF] of their best attempt at a canvas for local opinion:
”Considering how biased and leading the questions were, the fact more respondents support the LTN than oppose it should be read as a ringing endorsement” — Bluesky
The TRO Subcommittee responsible for the decision to retain the LTN will vote on Tuesday 18th February; please write to your Councillors if you are in favour of the measures. Edinburgh needs the courage to stick with these implementations through the ‘noisy’ period of folk getting used to changes, as the momentum created will be key in getting more and more areas freed up from through-traffic and more liveable as a result.
🪚 Via The Edinburgh Minute:
In the 18 months from July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2024, the Edinburgh police division recorded 1,848 bike thefts in the city – a jump of 30, or 19.5 per cent, on the previous 18 months.
Full article in the Edinburgh Evening News »
📸 Lovely photo of a bright day from Vie Velo and their trip out to the new surf resort in Ratho:
On a chilly but sunny Saturday 9 tandems headed west along quiet roads for a first visit to @lostshoresurf near Ratho for a convivial and tasty lunch. It was a fairly flat route but we fitted in a decent climb by taking in a loop to Newbridge then back to Saughton.
⚡️ Porty Community Energy hosted a visit from Green MSP Lorna Slater and Transport & Environment Committee Councillor Kayleigh O’Neill [IG], checking out the Porty Active Travel hub, Travel Agents of Change exhibition before its move to the Water of Leith last week, and all the other fine projects the team at the prom are involved in [IG];
✏️ As spotted by Harry Williams, there’s a new planning application filed for a ‘Mobility Hub’ at Western Harbour. The ‘transport statement’ [PDF] document was illuminating in terms of the roles such a hub would play in centralising parking provision with other modes and options, including any future cycle hire scheme, covered cycle parking, and car club hire vehicles as well as being able to host events;
😢 As per last week - many thanks to reader Katie who got in touch with the following helpful information for anyone whose bike was in the workshop of Biketrax when they sadly announced their closure [IG]:
If anyone else is in the unfortunate situation of currently having a bike in the workshop with Biketrax I would recommend they contact The Insolvency Company and give company name 'AC Cycles'.
⚙️In case you missed it last week - January’s edition of [Spokes]’ — the Edinburgh and Lothians Cycle Campaign — Action update [PDF] has been released, packed with local and national calls for action and involvement in getting better investment and outcomes in and for cycling in our towns and cities;
☔️ National News
📈 Cycling Scotland: “Tracking travel by bike with the improved Cycling Open Data portal”:
The portal is available for anyone to use and brings together the most comprehensive collection of active travel data of its kind in Scotland, in partnership with local authorities and other active travel organisations. From real-time data supplied by a nationwide network of more than 800 automatic cycle and walking counters, to biannual traffic surveys giving snapshots of all travel behaviour on streets and roads across Scotland, through to information on Bikeability Scotland delivery, Scottish Household Survey findings on transport habits and much more.
🥀 Police Scotland faced questions from cyclists over "measures being taken to protect vulnerable road users", the force stating that it would increase patrols and take reports of close passes "seriously" following the death of a "very experienced" cyclist in a collision last month. — Article at Road.cc
Only. UK. Police. Force. With. No. Video. Submission. Portal.
For shame.
🌙 “Cycle paths are pointless if women don't feel safe using them at night. If you want to give people the choice to cycle, there need to be good options for everyone” — by Laura Laker for Bike Radar; “Nearly a quarter of Transport for London cycleways are deemed socially unsafe after dark”
🛣 Route Closures and Issues
⛔️ Rodney Street tunnel approach from George V Park closed for another 2 weeks
Thanks to Martin for reaching out with the following:
[The closure is] poorly signed with no cycle diversions despite being part of National Cycle Route 75. The "pedestrian" diversion is through a play park and up a steep ramp and not very welcoming to cargo bikes and I suspect they wouldn't want anybody cycling through there. Also some gates to contend with. The only closures signs will probably just be at the location rather than at the places where cyclists could choose an alternative route and the current notices are inconspicuous
Spokes have been doing a fine job pressing for better communication and diversion signage, some of which is now in place (though still small, A4 arrow signage rather than anything more obvious) and provided the diversion map below. Unfortunately a better diversion route - the contraflow cycle lane on Eyre Pl - is currently blocked by building works.

🧱 London Rd, opposite Meadowbank - the broken cycleway kerbs spotted thanks to @Wingpig on Bluesky should have been sorted out over the weekend, thanks to some local assistance from Councillor Danny Aston;
📪 The week’s road closure info thanks as always to contributor Robbie:
🎬 National Cycle Route #76 at The Meadows, filming on Meadow Lane near the tennis courts today (Monday 10th) which may affect the shared cycle path.
🚊 Princes Street Tram Stop – Westbound Lane closure this weekend (14th - 16th) by Scottish Water to repair a manhole. This may result in needing to cycle on the tram line setts, as the initial works, or it may be a westbound closure of Princes Street to cycles;
🧭 CCWEL at Rosebery Crescent - further sewer repair works are ongoing – it was raised that works failed to mention cycle accommodation, as pointed out by Spokes, and that a northbound diversion is missing. Unfortunately, neither item has been rectified on this new £23m cycleway;
🧱 Ellen’s Glen Rd, a quiet link in Liberton, closed at the modal filter to repair flooding damage for 4 months. Closure includes pedestrians and a diversion is signed via Malbet Wynd;
🚂 Waverley Bridge - concrete barriers have been placed across the southbound lane with no gap. Council officers are looking into arranging for barriers to be moved;
⛔️ North Bridge closed to northbound traffic from the 17th Feb for 6 weeks. The diversion will temporarily allow vehicles to turn right from Chambers St onto George IV Bridge, so be aware of unexpected vehicle manoeuvres here;
🚧 Dundee St segregated cycle lanes closure from the 17th for delayed BT manhole repairs: Angle Park Ter closed westbound - may be possible to go around by Henderson Ter / Ardmillan Pl.
💧 Union Canal: Towpath improvement works are ongoing from Leamington Lift Bridge to Edinburgh Quay until May 2025. A section of towpath is closed with diversion across the lift bridge and along the southern side of the canal - more info at Scottish Canals;
⛔️ A member of Merchiston Community Council dropped us a note to let us know that a part of the Roseburn to Union Canal link — the ramp from Dalry Community park down to Dalry — is currently closed, due to the construction of new Toucan crossing as part of Roseburn to Union Canal project from 15/01/25 to 25/02/25
🛤️ Cheers Martin for passing on another update from Midlothian Council on the partial closure of NCN 196, on the Auchendinny-Rosewell railway path for resurfacing with ‘flexipave’:
”Resurfacing will restart on 3rd February 2025. It is estimated that the remaining works will take roughly 2-3 weeks to complete weather dependent.
There will be limited through access to use the pathway at the Rosewell end the section which is to be completed. If users can cooperate with the workers as they pass this section, that would be much appreciated.
The council would like to thank local residents and users for their patience.”
⚡ Ongoing: The questionable Network Rail ban on ebike parking at Waverley Station - best to make alternative parking plans if travelling from this station at present, though recently ban signs have been absent (we’re seeking clarification with station management);
🏹 Lawnmarket and Upper Bow: Road improvements are ongoing until July ‘25; be sure to read the Council’s page about the closures, which managed to completely omit arrangements for a certain human-powered transport mode so mind how you go;
📣 Help edi.bike ✍🏼
🗣️ Recommend us to someone - why not forward to a friend, or just point them to edi.bike online
📝 Share a story / issue - If you run into anything that might be a good fit for next time, feel free to send it over.
💜 Join the Supporters Club for £1/month to help us cover costs and promote to a wider audience. More info below.
🎉 Events and Happenings
📆 Upcoming / Ongoing
♻️ Circular cycle economy champs and new home of Cargo Bike Movement, The Bike Station will be holding their AGM on the 24th February, in Gorgie or by joining online, 2-4pm;
🚲 From Edinburgh Leisure: “Back in the Saddle: New Course Helps Seniors Rediscover Cycling Joy”, an 11-week course starting on 3rd March;
🛄 On the move: Check out the new ‘Travel Agents of Change’ [IG] exhibition by Porty Community Energy and BANZAI. Having first exhibited in Portobello, it’s now open at Water of Leith Visitor Centre:
🦦 7th Feb – 21st Feb: 📍 Water of Leith Visitor Centre;
🦆 4th Mar – 17th Mar near the 📍 Leamington Lift Bridge on the Union Canal, hosted by BANZAI. Opening event on 4th March — with pancakes! — from 5pm.
💃🏽 Friends of the Earth Scotland and Porty Community Energy are hosting a fundraising Ceilidh in February:
“ Ceilidh 💃 on the 22nd Feb with Friends of the Earth Scotland and Ceilidh Collective... See you Portobello Town Hall for a dance? It’s going to be a belter! Fantastic band, yummy food, raffle and a bar- go on and bring all yer pals.”
🖼️ The Spokes, Infrasisters, Bike Buses and Edinburgh Critical Mass co-curated campaigning exhibition ‘Pedal Power’ has opened at its new venue [IG] of Duncan Place in Leith - well worth a visit;
🔁 Weekly Events
🍃 Mon, 12-2.30pm: Free, fun group ride on paths from Bridgend Farmhouse;
🌅 Tues, ⏰ 5.40am: Edinburgh Dawn Patrol - Meet St. Andrew Square, same route each time - contact Markus [x];
☕️Tues, 5pm: [National] Active Travel Cafe on Zoom
🛠️ Weds, 3pm: Bike Kitchen at Edinburgh Tool Library
🌅 Thurs, ⏰ 5.40am: Edinburgh Dawn Patrol (same as Tues, details above);
✴️ Thurs, 5-8pm: Bike DIY Session at The Wee Spoke Hub
⚙️ Sat, 2-4pm: ‘Bike Cleaning and Oiling’ drop-in session at The Wee Spoke Hub
🔁 Monthly Events
🚲 First Friday of the month: Inclusive social bike rides with A Wee Pedal, 1-3pm, from Bridgend Farmhouse;
✊Last Saturday of the month: Critical Mass Edinburgh, Family-friendly mass protest / group ride, 2pm, Middle Meadow Walk;
🫂 Help Needed
🚐 Could you shift a bike donation into Edinburgh on behalf of Bikes for Refugees? “CALLLING Largs, Troon, Kincardine, Cairneyhill, Milnathort 💪HELP needed! Can you collect/drop a bike donation on your commute to Glasgow or Edinburgh hubs?” — bikedonations@bikesforrefugees.scot
🌆 Thanks to SFan who got in touch to let us know that distance ride ‘London Edinburgh London’ are looking for 2025 volunteers;
🚲 Investigating cycling as a mode of active transport in ethnic minority groups in Edinburgh - take part in an ongoing cycling study by Edinburgh University student Keping Li
✏️ Jobs and Voluntary Roles
Ongoing: 🚌 Marshal for School Bike Buses | 🙋 Help with school programme ‘I Bike’ | 🗨️Join Spokes’ Planning or Resources group | 🆘 Donate money or bikes to Bikes for Refugees | 📦⚡️ Hire Community Cargobikes, E-bikes or Trailers from SW20, Porty Community Energy or Banzai | ♻️ Donate old bikes to The Bike Station or ‘Brake the Cycle’.
🌈 Infrastructure Progress & Consultations
✨ This section of the digest will receive a revamp in the coming months to move long-running, detailed consultation information onto web pages, and instead publish a list of links for open and recent consultations (along with summaries for anything actually new). In the meantime, anything new or changed is found near the top. ✨
In Previous Updates:
📃 From lurking in Community Council mailing lists, I spotted this rather handy document listing upcoming City of Edinburgh Council consultations and their approximate launch dates for the coming year;
🏞️ Via Spokes - in an update from Friends of Burdiehouse Burn Valley Park the start of a new project to improve the valley is ongoing:
Burdiehouse Burn Restoration - Concept Design
“For the Burdiehouse Burn to become a successful and notable blue-green regeneration project, restoring approximately 5 km of the burn and surrounding habitats”
Core project objectives:
Sustainable river restoration
Habitat restoration in the surrounding landscape ✨ 3. Active travel connections
Placemaking & access improvements
Education & engagement of people and organisations local to the burn
Net zero gains
Improve the resilience of the site to climate change.
More in their newsletter »
🏚️ New plans for 21 flats on the site of the derelict Longstone Inn - damaged due to local flooding - have been published, featuring a ramp and alley access to the Burnside path; in addition, the council have now progressed with identifying who owns which bits of land and wall where the Burnside path sinkhole is situated, so discussions with the landowner will be ongoing to come up with a plan for remedial works here to fix not only the sinkhole, but hopefully the underlying cause too.
⚒️ Merchiston Community Council are back on the campaign trail to improve Polwarth’s worst junction. News of the Council commencing a redesign, and more background on the project, can be found on their website;
📋 Dalry ‘Living Well Locally’: the council have published an Initial local resident feedback Report on the Dalry Town Centre proposals [PDF]. There is a summary on the main Consultation page.
🕳️ Photos shared by Longstone Community Council show recent works have provided “Some improvements to the diversion path surface and the gradient made on the Burnside path. Barriers also secured more robustly stopping access to the sinkhole.”;
⬆️ The statutory process for a handful of one-way street cycle exemptions have been published by the Council - available here as a list and more detailed plans: ‘TRO/24/27 - One-way street exemptions for cyclists - Various Roads - Ending on 31 January 2025’. Just one part of a city-wide project over the next 18 months or so to make more one way streets legal for contraflow cycling.
🚧 Works on the West Edinburgh Link project look to be starting at the end of May according to the listings on the Scottish Road Works Commissioner web portal spotted by Longstone Community Council;
🚢 Leith Connections: Foot of the Walk to Dock St Construction Underway, Schedule Shared
🦶Foot of the Walk to ‘Ocean Terminal’ (actually Commercial St)
⚓️ 'Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal' - construction is underway on the Great Junction St cycleway, with work on Henderson St recently started too, for around ten months - a protected cycle route as part of Leith Connections, which promises to be a great continuation of the segregated routes slowly taking root in the city centre.
This Leith Connections works leaflet [PDF] outlines the rough timeline for construction of the route.
Confusingly, the project doesn’t go to Ocean Terminal (shades of Roseburn to Union Canal here) and instead gives up at Commercial St, with the Commercial St to Ocean Terminal leg covered by the third phase of Leith Connections (below);
⚓ Leith Connections Phase 3 - Hawthornvale to Seafield
View the:
Consultation Hub Page (now closed to responses);
Detailed Design drawings (PDF) »
🌳 Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route
Some recent movement on the Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route, in an update from Blackford Safe Routes and this update from Cllr Ben Parker;
📋 Travelling Safely Schemes (Various)
ETROs for these schemes have various end dates (barring ‘South’, which is not yet published) and can be found for comment at the Council’s Travelling Safely Commonplace microsite; also by emailing TRO.Consultations@edinburgh.gov.uk quoting the relevant scheme.
🌊 Musselburgh Active Toun Consultation
Updated plans over on Musselburgh Active Toun with further consultation ongoing: these may be of particular interest to Edinburgh residents as they cover the East Lothian section of Edinburgh Road that would eventually facilitate the long-held ambition of a tie-in to Joppa and Portobello prom, as well as the rest of the North Edinburgh network.
Comments on the consultation can be emailed to musselburgh.uki@aecom.com
Thanks for reading - ride safe 🚲
💜 Join our 'Supporters Club'
The weekly edi.bike digest will always be free (gratis) to read for anyone who subscribes, as well as remaining ad-free.
For £1/month, you can join our Supporters Club, and help with existing costs for our domain name, hosting, and promotional materials like posters and stickers.
Huge thanks to those of you who have already signed up to support us - we really appreciate it 💜
🎁 Club Perks
As well as supporting us, we're also planning the following perks for Supporters Club patrons:
A bi-monthly (around 6 times a year) behind-the-scenes update sharing subscriber numbers / growth, promotional efforts, and other stuff about the running of edi.bike;
A shiny 'Supporters Club' sticker;
Over time, we might also consult Club patrons on strategic decisions and other matters.
If you can't support us in this way, that's grand too - thanks for reading!