🚲 edi.bike | issue 77 | 27th Jan ‘25
your weekly edinburgh cycling digest
📰 News this Week
🧵 SW20: “Fascinating reports about Edinburgh active travel & 20 minute neighbourhood schemes”
In the last few days a thought-provoking and timely thread from SW20 came across my feed, tying together a couple of new pieces of campaign reading… Following a new report released by the council following consultation on the “Dalry - Living Well Locally” project, detailing residents concerns as well as positive feedback, their informative thread on Bluesky looks at the public support acceptance curve for such schemes — particularly in reference to brand new reports coming to the Transport and Environment Committee this Thursday 30th on the City Centre West to East Link, which since its completion has seen local resident support for the scheme rise from a pre-construction level of 49% support to 64% since being built.
🌈 Lindsay Rd ‘Pride Bridge’ Granted Planning Consent
Excellent news and a positive outcome for this LGBTQ+ landmark and active travel link - at The Edinburgh Reporter:
“The council’s Development Management sub-committee agreed proposals which will see a new amphitheatre space linking Lindsay Road to the Hawthornvale Path which runs along an old railway line.
The bridge had been scheduled for demolition after it was closed to vehicles in 2021, but after becoming an LGBT landmark – known as the ‘Rainbow Bridge’ after it was painted in the pride flag colours – councillors agreed in 2023 to look at plans to save the structure.
The bridge road deck will be made safe and reopened to pedestrians and cyclists and the Pride colours restored as part of a wider theme for the parkland surrounding the site providing a safe route linking Lindsay Road and North Fort Street.” — Full Article »
⚠️ Dangerous Crossing Warning - Western Approach Rd Toucan for Roseburn to Union Canal Route
Observations from Edward Tissiman and Spokes regarding timings on the new crossing; many folks have noted that the timing between the light turning red and the appearance of the green man / cycle signal are so short as to risk being hit by someone running the light when crossing - do take extra care when using it in its current state.
The crossing is particularly dangerous given this stretch of road remains a 40mph zone, where it should really have been subject to a programme of interventions ahead of the route opening to drop speeds to at most 30mph, ahead of the toucan crossing going in - not after the fact when vulnerable users are putting themselves at risk using it. There is the blind corner for traffic coming from the Murrayfield side, and this stretch of road has long been one of Edinburgh’s few and far between sections of ‘urban motorway’ in terms of how it’s used for driving without due care.
🤝 Transport & Environment Committee Agenda for January 30th
You’ll find our links to the headline items and summaries down below ‘Local Bits’ 👇
🏰 Local Bits
📸 This week in photos; updates from Vie Velo — a tandem cycling club based in Edinburgh enabling people with visual impairments to get cycling — posted a shot from their first outing since November; meanwhile Critical Mass Edinburgh took to the streets on Saturday, pictured headed down to the successful ‘Leith Connections’ Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme, highlighting new campaign ‘Liveable Leith’ aiming to campaign for council retention of the measures;
🍋 “Learn how Edinburgh Food Social, with support from the Cycle Access Fund, is using a customised cargo trike to deliver fresh, seasonal food, empower communities and create lasting opportunities in Craigmillar” — article at Cycling UK »
😔 Sadly today Edinburgh Festival of Cycling confirmed on Bluesky that local bike shop, café and community event space Biketrax at Lochrin Basin have ceased trading, facing insolvency. Wishing all the best to the founders, shop staff and café team with whatever comes next for them;
🚐 Could you shift a bike donation into Edinburgh on behalf of Bikes for Refugees? “Bikes still needing collected in Dundee, Coldstream, Kincardine, Troon – if anyone can help please email” — bikedonations@bikesforrefugees.scot
⚙️ January’s edition of [Spokes]’ — the Edinburgh and Lothians Cycle Campaign — Action update [PDF] has been released, packed with local and national calls for action and involvement in getting better investment and outcomes in and for cycling in our towns and cities;
♻️ Circular cycle economy champs The Bike Station will be holding their AGM on the 24th February, in Gorgie or by joining online, 2-4pm;
📆 Cargo Bike Movement have rescheduled their ‘Give it a Go’ cargo bike try-out and information session [IG] with BANZAI to Friday 31st of January, 11:30am - 1:30pm, on Bruntsfield Links at 📍 what3words bind.magic.harp
The team also recently shared some photos from their event with food co-op Hearty Squirrel - a good chance to play ‘spot the edi.bike stickers’ 💟
💚 Training this Wednesday: Fancy becoming a Food Waste Cargo Pilot?
At Cargo Bike Movement, we pick up and redistribute surplus food from supermarkets around Edinburgh and drop it off at Shrub's Zero Waste Hub. We prevent these items from being thrown away, helping both people and planet. We ride as a group every evening, and need more volunteers to keep our daily pickups running!
To get involved, you can attend one of our volunteer training sessions to get you comfortable riding a cargo bike. You can attend our training session this Wednesday 29th January from 1-4pm.
To sign up, please email jamie@cargobikemovement.org »
🍔 Another one from Oli for our ‘Ride up food and drink’ map of Edinburgh: the tortuously punny bao bun bandits “Pablo Eggsgobao” in Morningside and their ride-up serving hatch. Know of a good addition? Submit it here » (requires sign in with Google account)
🚲 From Edinburgh Leisure: “Back in the Saddle: New Course Helps Seniors Rediscover Cycling Joy”, an 11-week course starting on 3rd March;
🔧 As spotted by Laid Back Bikes, cycle repair chain Fettle are 📸 getting their new Fountainbridge unit ready for opening and look to already be taking bookings;
🤝 City of Edinburgh Council Transport & Environment Committee - Meeting Thurs 30th
📅 Meeting Page | 💼 Business Bulletin [PDF] | 📄 Agenda [PDF]
As always, our links to specific PDF pages will work in desktop browsers, but iOS and Android have not yet caught up to this feature.
The council’s Transport and Environment committee will meet this Thursday, 30th January; as always we’ll be highlighting the cycling and cycling-adjacent items on their agenda, and next week rounding up after the fact:
💼 Business Bulletin
Page 2: The Meadows to George Street project is progressing:
Subject to approval of the traffic orders, funding availability and the outcomes of the ongoing work to prioritise the City Mobility Plan Capital Investment Programme, the technical design and procurement of a contractor to deliver the works will be progressed, with construction anticipated to commence in 2026.
Page 3: “Proposals to improve facilities for walking, wheeling and cycling on Smokey Brae” will be the subject of a public consultation in ‘early 2025’ after “the scope of the project has been expanded to incorporate additional improvements on Marionville Road, between Wishaw Terrace and Marionville Park.”;
Pages 4 to 5 features a Leith Connections ETRO Update on the successful Low Traffic Neighbourhood measures;
Pages 5 through 9 feature a fairly comprehensive defence of Low Traffic Neighbourhoods; evidentiary-based reasons to design and implement LTNS, as well as a national framework basis for using the principles involved, a sidestepping of exclusively using the term LTN (which makes sense given how poisoned it’s become by conspiratorial ‘debate’) and simultaneously pointing out that many of the key tools used to deliver them, such as modal filters, are as old as your great granda’s socks and nothing new or controversial.
Page 11 - an item on the Burnside path reveals that while the land where the path’s now infamous sinkhole resides is property of the Earl of Morton, the retaining wall being erosion-damaged by the Water of Leith resulting in the sinkhole is in fact, by prior agreement, the responsibility of the council to fix. As such, engineering consultants are getting involved, repairs will be made, and in the meantime the diversion in place has had its condition improved in order to better serve as a work around the dangerous section of pathway;
Pages 12 to 13 - an update on a handful of aspects of the George Street and First New Town project outlines that a ‘substantive report’ will be presented to committee in the Spring of this year;
Page 13 - Safe cycling at work, safety and engagement with delivery cyclists - “Building on recent research undertaken by Sustrans about delivery bike riders in Edinburgh and Glasgow, officers have been working on developing effective engagement and communication approaches. The initial steps have focused around reaching out and engaging with key stakeholder groups including Sustrans, delivery companies, Police Scotland and bike shops.”
“Officers will also explore adding a delivery bike rider company contact to stakeholder engagement lists so that they are invited to consultation exercises on relevant projects going forward. In terms of infrastructure delivery, the City Mobility Plan prioritisation process positively weights routes/links with important cycling flows that are low cost, quick to deliver and fill strategic gaps.“
📋 Meeting Agenda and Reports
🧭 7.2 City Centre West Edinburgh Link (CCWEL) to George Street Active Travel Connections
📄 Link to Report [PDF] »
The report sets out to “explore alternative routes to connect the CCWEL before the construction of George Street. Options include Queen Street, Rose Street and Young, Hill and Thistle Streets”, and notes that “additional work is being undertaken to deliver safe walking, wheeling and cycling links across Charlotte Street and St David Street to George Street.”.
The conclusions largely boil down to:
Adequate temporary arrangements to cross Charlotte Sq to George St were completed in late 2024, and permanent arrangements for this journey won’t be completed until late 2027;
Designs for the George St / CCWEL integration with St Andrew Sq / St David St are being progressed;
Queen Street is designated as a primary cycle route in ‘Our Future Streets’, but to manage to link CCWEL from Charlotte Sq to St David St (900 metres) with even semi-permanent materials would ‘require’ statutory orders (TRO, RSO) taking so long that even the much-delayed George St programme it was intended as a stop-gap for would have already concluded and delivered the main link:
”Given that Queen Street has yet to mobilised as a dedicated project and has no resources currently allocated, the George Street project is expected to be implemented sooner than segregation on Queen Street.”
Rose St - currently only legal for westbound cycling, along with vehicle movements - is explored as a potential option, insofar as the authors go ‘huh, that’s a bit narrow innit’. It’s on the list for contraflow cycling being allowed, but it’s a pedestrian street - it’s not the solution to putting the ‘L’ in ‘CCWEL’;
Young, Hill and Thistle Streets: described as a “viable alternative route that enhances safety by avoiding high vehicle numbers”, and then challenges its own use of ‘viable’ by announcing they have “traditional setts and uneven surfaces”. These streets are also being pursued for an allowance of contraflow cycling, so that cyclists passing in opposing directions can share a high-vibration grimace of acknowledgement as they rattle past one another.
🚘 8.2 Powers to reduce car use
📄 Link to Report [PDF] »
This report looks beyond the ‘carrot’ to some of the ‘stick’ powers available to the Council — or potentially available when Transport Scotland have done some legal introspection — to attempt to meet their target of a 30% reduction in car kilometres driven in the city by 2030. Any rumours of having the political inclination to actually use any of these powers have been greatly exaggerated.
📈 8.5 City Centre West to East Cycle Link and Street Improvements Project and Continuous Footway Monitoring
📄 Link to Report [PDF] »
Based on measurement from the first six months since its opening — roughly Spring to Autumn 2024 — this report details some of the measured outcomes from the delivery of the City Centre West to East Link (CCWEL). The headlines:
Pedestrian satisfaction on key streets has increased notably with the largest increases at St Andrew Square and Roseburn;
The vast majority of shoppers (around 90%) interviewed on affected streets had travelled by sustainable means;
Overall satisfaction levels for shoppers on affected streets increased. Meanwhile satisfaction levels for shopping streets which were not affected by the project decreased;
Most residents who took part in the household survey support the scheme and the level of support has increased since pre-construction from 49% to 64%. Meanwhile the level of opposition remained roughly the same at around 10%;
The proportion of residents living near the scheme who cycle as their main mode of travel to work increased from 8% to 12%. If residents who work from home are removed, the increase is even larger, doubling from 8% to 16%;
Residents’ satisfaction with the public realm and the availability of parking spaces both improved;
Children at Roseburn Primary School were more likely to report that they usually cycled to school. Up from 13% to 24%;
6% of people cycling on the CCWEL route said that before the construction of the project they would have made their journey by car or van. This modal shift is estimated to have resulted in a reduction in carbon emissions associated with transport of 29 tonnes of CO2 in 2024.
Fantastic outcomes, and great data. Councillors and campaigners alike should be celebrating the wins of this project and looking to replicate it across many other projects across the city, building a resilient and active city-wide cycle network around the principles employed here.
☔️ National News
✂️ As headlined last week, Cycling UK are calling for contacting MSPs about funding cuts:
”The Scottish government plans to slash more than £30 million from next year's active travel budget, while finding the money to increase spending on road building.
The government is now back-pedalling on the support for cycling it promised would help tackle the climate crisis, improve public health, and give people real transport choices.”
📺 Great new [15m] video from Glasgow Cyclist, on the £150m ‘Avenues’ project building out Glasgow’s cycling network - including vital changes to the junction where cyclist Emma Burke Newman was tragically killed by the driver of an HGV in January of 2023;
⚡️ ‘BBC claims its Panorama episode about e-bikes was “fair and impartial and clearly not an attack on the e-bike industry”’:
The broadcaster made the claims in response to a viewer’s complaint, weeks after widespread criticism from cyclists and the Bicycle Association stating the episode “unjustifiably damaged” legal e-bike industry — Article at Road.cc »
🔋 ”Wheels for Wellbeing position statement on statutory guidelines on lithium-ion battery safety for ‘e-bikes’” - not as dry as it sounds, honest! In December the UK Government released new statutory guidelines specifically targeted at Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles (EAPCs), and Wheels for Wellbeing have concerns about how EAPCs are singled out and that the guidelines have focused in too narrowly to actually be keeping people safe, particularly those living with a disability;
🛣 Route Closures and Issues
💨 The “Thanks, Éowyn” Section
Some or all of these may be cleared by the time you encounter them - there will no doubt be others!
🔮 Thursday: Wingpig posted about CCWEL through Bishops Walk, where it’s great to see what seemed to have been preventative branch removal in anticipation of the storm coming in;
🌳 Friday: Matt tagged us in a report of a “Big old tree down on Chancelot path just west of Bangholm View bridge”;
🚧 Friday: Longstone Community Council posted about the amount of debris and fallen trees on the Water of Leith Walkway;
🛶 Saturday: Dave posted about debris and community clearance action on the Union Canal towpath;
🌉 Sunday: Claire let us know that the “Leith to Roseburn path has a tree across it between the red bridge and Drylaw” (photo on post);
Other major tree falls like this at Regent Rd, Abbeyhill likely cleared by now.
🗺️ Other Closures
⛔️ A member of Merchiston Community Council dropped us a note to let us know that a part of the Roseburn to Union Canal link — the ramp from Dalry Community park down to Dalry — is currently closed, due to the construction of new Toucan crossing as part of Roseburn to Union Canal project from 15/01/25 to 25/02/25
🤦🏻 St. Andrews Square: look out for poorly placed road closure signage across CCWEL, because why not spend millions building a flagship cycle route and then just use it as a signage zone for the most important road users?
📪 More road closure info thanks to contributor Robbie:
⚒️ The ‘orca’ wands that segregate the cycleway on Queensferry Rd had been pulled off-road while bus stop resurfacing takes place, however it looks like these have been reinstated;
🧭 CCWEL at Rosebery Crescent - further sewer repair works are ongoing - a diversion northbound is being added after it was raised that works failed to mention cycle accommodation, as pointed out by Spokes;
🧱 Ellen’s Glen Rd, a quiet link in Liberton, closed at the modal filter to repair flooding damage from today, 27th Jan, for 4 months. Closure may include pedestrians and may affect the Birdiehouse Burn;
💧 Albion Rd and Brunswick Rd closed at Easter Rd from Weds 29th - Thurs 30th for Scottish Water repairs, affecting Quietroute 20 from Lochend to Leith Walk. It may be possible to pass via Edina St;
🏗️ Cowgate at South Bridge closed on the 2nd for a Crane lift;
🌳 Water of Leith Path closed at Belford Bridge to repair a metal walkway from the 3rd Feb for up to 5 days;
🚂 Waverley Bridge - concrete barriers have been placed across the southbound lane with no gap, requiring some manoeuvring to pass. This has been raised with the Council for action;
🚦 National Cycle Route #1 at Duddingston Park South is having its Toucan crossing upgraded currently, and expected to take until Monday 3rd Feb. Dismounting to cross may be required;
⛏️ Gillsland Rd from the 28th for fibre works. If you're passing between the Canal and Merchiston, the bridge at Ashley Terrace may be better;
💧 Union Canal: Towpath improvement works are ongoing from Leamington Lift Bridge to Edinburgh Quay until May 2025. A section of towpath is closed with diversion across the lift bridge and along the southern side of the canal - more info at Scottish Canals;
🛤️ Thanks to Martin for passing on an update from Midlothian Council on the partial closure of NCN 196, on the Auchendinny-Rosewell railway path for resurfacing with ‘flexipave’: “The expected completion time is now by the middle of February 2025, weather dependent. As a result, the council has made the decision to open the section for the pathway, allowing users the opportunity to utilise the section over this period. The pathway from Auchendinny to Rosewel … will remain open until the contractors return to resurface …on February 3rd 2025, at which point the last of the resurfacing works will begin. It is estimated the remaining works will require approximately 2 weeks to complete resurfacing.”
⚡ Ongoing: The questionable Network Rail ban on ebike parking at Waverley Station - best to make alternative parking plans if travelling from this station at present, though recently ban signs have been absent (we’re seeking clarification with station management);
🏹 Lawnmarket and Upper Bow: Road improvements are ongoing until July ‘25; be sure to read the Council’s page about the closures, which managed to completely omit arrangements for a certain human-powered transport mode so mind how you go;
📣 Help edi.bike ✍🏼
🗣️ Recommend us to someone - why not forward to a friend, or just point them to edi.bike online
📝 Share a story / issue - If you run into anything that might be a good fit for next time, feel free to send it over.
💜 Join the Supporters Club for £1/month to help us cover costs and promote to a wider audience. More info below.
🎉 Events and Happenings
📆 Upcoming / Ongoing
As per ‘Local Bits’ above:
💚 Weds 29th Jan, 1-4pm: Cargo Bike Movement volunteer training on RSVP to jamie@cargobikemovement.org »
ℹ️ Fri 31st Jan, 11.30am - 1.30pm: The rescheduled Cargo Bike Movement and BANZAI Cargo Bike ‘Give it a Go’ and information session, 11am - 1.30pm on Bruntsfield Links at 📍 what3words bind.magic.harp
♻️ 24th Feb, Gorgie / Online, 2-4pm: The Bike Station’s AGM;
🛄 Check out the new ‘Travel Agents of Change’ [IG] exhibition by Porty Community Energy and BANZAI - find it on the fences of the 📍 Portobello Sailing and Kayaking Club and pick up the ‘zine from The Portobello Bookshop.
The travelling exhibition will be in Porty until 31st January; it then has a launch event and two weeks at two further locations in the city:
🦦 7th Feb – 21st Feb: 📍 Water of Leith Visitor Centre; Opening event from 3-4pm on 7th February;
🦆 4th Mar – 17th Mar near the 📍 Leamington Lift Bridge on the Union Canal, hosted by BANZAI. Opening event on 4th March — with pancakes! — from 5pm.
💃🏽 Friends of the Earth Scotland and Porty Community Energy are hosting a fundraising Ceilidh in February:
_“There are a limited number of early bird 🐦 tickets 🎟️ available for our Ceilidh 💃 on the 22nd Feb with Friends of the Earth Scotland and Ceilidh Collective (the first 50 people to book before the end of January can access a £10 ticket).
See you Portobello Town Hall for a dance? It’s going to be a belter! Fantastic band, yummy food, raffle and a bar- go on and bring all yer pals.”
⚡ Also from the team at Porty Community Energy;
Saturday 1st Feb, 17:30: Join us for a winter parade through Fishwives Causeway to help raise awareness and to call for better signage for this important alternative path between Restalrig/Mountcastle and Portobello.
Our lanterns will light up this safer back route for cyclists and pedestrians and especially highlight the little-known shortcut from Mountcastle. There will be a winter choir to lift our spirits up and hot food and drink to keep us warm. Come and meet others who enjoy walking, scooting, wheelchair wheeling, cycling, pushing a pram and riding around Edinburgh. Celebrate our traffic-free routes with a child and family-friendly parade.
We'll meet outside Amber Hair and Beauty opposite Royal High on the crossroads between Mountcastle Drive and Northfield Broadway at 5.30pm. We'll work down Mountcastle Crescent into Mountcastle Park and at the end of the cul de sac we'll begin the parade that takes us into Fishwives Causeway. The parade ends at the other side of the causeway on the railway bridge next to Baileyfield Road traffic lights in Portobello. Here's the route on Google Maps.
We are hoping that people will arrive on bicycle and on foot. If you are coming with a bike, you’ll need to dismount and wheel it along the route. We will parade right through the Fishwives Causeway to its end, and back again and then enjoy some hot drinks and snacks, and some music. And we'll be finished by 7pm.
Bring lanterns, lights, torches, and sport your high-vis winter fashion looks, to brighten this route on our parade.
We’re also hoping to run some family friendly workshops to make some lovely lanterns in the run up to this event, so that we can light up the night (link to the workshop event).
More on the Facebook Event »
🖼️ The Spokes, Infrasisters, Bike Buses and Edinburgh Critical Mass co-curated campaigning exhibition ‘Pedal Power’ has opened at its new venue [IG] of Duncan Place in Leith - well worth a visit;
🔁 Weekly Events
🍃 Mon, 12-2.30pm: Free, fun group ride on paths from Bridgend Farmhouse;
🌅 Tues, ⏰ 5.40am: Edinburgh Dawn Patrol - Meet St. Andrew Square, same route each time - contact Markus [x];
☕️Tues, 5pm: [National] Active Travel Cafe on Zoom
🛠️ Weds, 3pm: Bike Kitchen at Edinburgh Tool Library
🌅 Thurs, ⏰ 5.40am: Edinburgh Dawn Patrol (same as Tues, details above);
✴️ Thurs, 5-8pm: Bike DIY Session at The Wee Spoke Hub
⚙️ Sat, 2-4pm: ‘Bike Cleaning and Oiling’ drop-in session at The Wee Spoke Hub
🔁 Monthly Events
🚲 First Friday of the month: Inclusive social bike rides with A Wee Pedal, 1-3pm, from Bridgend Farmhouse;
✊ Last Saturday of the month: Critical Mass Edinburgh, Family-friendly mass protest / group ride, 2pm, Middle Meadow Walk;
🫂 Help Needed
From Hazel, a parent at Parsons Green:
“We are going to start a bike bus to Parsons Green Primary school on a Friday morning and we would very much welcome a team of volunteers who don't have kids at the school to help us steward.
The first one will be on the 31st January, with a pilot session (just a few families) the week before to test out the route. If you’re interested in helping out, message Hazel on 07786 577 884 »
🌆 Thanks to SFan who got in touch to let us know that distance ride ‘London Edinburgh London’ are looking for 2025 volunteers;
🚲 Investigating cycling as a mode of active transport in ethnic minority groups in Edinburgh - take part in an ongoing cycling study by Edinburgh University student Keping Li
✏️ Jobs and Voluntary Roles
🛠️ Scottish Cargo Bike maker Ariel Bikes are looking to get 1,000 responses to their e-cargo bike market survey, and if they do they’ll give away a bike:
“Win an Ariel e-cargo bike worth £5600, with ZF 112Nm motor system, plus Magura, Shimano, Halo, Schwalbe, Suntour and Spinner parts and components. All on a hand built 4130 chromoly steel frame fabricated in our Scottish workshop. Finished in glorious orange metallic fleck powder coat.
We want to understand the UK e-cargo bike market better. So we’ve created a short survey. Fill in the survey and if we can get to over 1000 responses, we will give away the bike.”
Ongoing: 🚌 Marshal for School Bike Buses | 🙋 Help with school programme ‘I Bike’ | 🗨️Join Spokes’ Planning or Resources group | 🆘 Donate money or bikes to Bikes for Refugees | 📦⚡️ Hire Community Cargobikes, E-bikes or Trailers from SW20, Porty Community Energy or Banzai | ♻️ Donate old bikes to The Bike Station or ‘Brake the Cycle’.
🌈 Infrastructure Progress & Consultations
The council has released the report on the Dalry Town Centre proposals. TL;DR, people who either live in Dalry or go there without a car like the proposals, the drivists are all "muh parking" and "traffic displacement".
Council claim they will "look again" at the Haymarket filter. Hopefully this is not code for "remove it" but I fear it might be.
Short summary on the main consultation page:
In Previous Updates:
🕳️ Photos shared by Longstone Community Council show recent works have provided “Some improvements to the diversion path surface and the gradient made on the Burnside path. Barriers also secured more robustly stopping access to the sinkhole.”;
⬆️ The statutory process for a handful of one-way street cycle exemptions have been published by the Council - available here as a list and more detailed plans: ‘TRO/24/27 - One-way street exemptions for cyclists - Various Roads - Ending on 31 January 2025’. Just one part of a city-wide project over the next 18 months or so to make more one way streets legal for contraflow cycling.
✨ This section of the digest will receive a revamp in the coming months to move long-running, detailed consultation information onto web pages, and instead publish a list of links for open and recent consultations (along with summaries for anything actually new). In the meantime, anything new or changed is found near the top. ✨
🛍️ The Princes Street and Waverley Valley Strategy - for which there is an open consultation survey until 21st February - are hosting public drop-in feedback sessions shortly:
Weds 29th January, 3pm to 7pm, Waverley Station main concourse;
Mon 3rd February. 1pm to 5pm. City Arts Centre, 2 Market Street, EH1 1DE
🚧 Works on the West Edinburgh Link project look to be starting at the end of May according to the listings on the Scottish Road Works Commissioner web portal spotted by Longstone Community Council;
🚢 Leith Connections: Foot of the Walk to Dock St Construction Underway, Schedule Shared
🦶Foot of the Walk to ‘Ocean Terminal’ (actually Commercial St)
⚓️ 'Foot of the Walk to Ocean Terminal' - construction is underway on the Great Junction St cycleway, with work on Henderson St recently started too, for around ten months - a protected cycle route as part of Leith Connections, which promises to be a great continuation of the segregated routes slowly taking root in the city centre.
This Leith Connections works leaflet [PDF] outlines the rough timeline for construction of the route.
Confusingly, the project doesn’t go to Ocean Terminal (shades of Roseburn to Union Canal here) and instead gives up at Commercial St, with the Commercial St to Ocean Terminal leg covered by the third phase of Leith Connections (below);
⚓ Leith Connections Phase 3 - Hawthornvale to Seafield
View the:
Consultation Hub Page (now closed to responses);
Detailed Design drawings (PDF) »
🌳 Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route
Some recent movement on the Greenbank to Meadows Quiet Route, in an update from Blackford Safe Routes and this update from Cllr Ben Parker;
📋 Travelling Safely Schemes (Various)
ETROs for these schemes have various end dates (barring ‘South’, which is not yet published) and can be found for comment at the Council’s Travelling Safely Commonplace microsite; also by emailing TRO.Consultations@edinburgh.gov.uk quoting the relevant scheme.
🌊 Musselburgh Active Toun Consultation
Updated plans over on Musselburgh Active Toun with further consultation ongoing: these may be of particular interest to Edinburgh residents as they cover the East Lothian section of Edinburgh Road that would eventually facilitate the long-held ambition of a tie-in to Joppa and Portobello prom, as well as the rest of the North Edinburgh network.
Comments on the consultation can be emailed to musselburgh.uki@aecom.com
⚒️ Lasswade Rd Cycleways
Looks like this project has now been completed; Spokes previously shared [x] the project page for a partial resurfacing of Lasswade Rd that includes a stretch of segregated cycle lane at each side, close to Gracemount High School. Spokes’ response makes mention of various interesting aspects and suggests changes.
Thanks for reading - ride safe 🚲
💜 Join our 'Supporters Club'
The weekly edi.bike digest will always be free (gratis) to read for anyone who subscribes, as well as remaining ad-free.
For £1/month, you can join our Supporters Club, and help with existing costs for our domain name, hosting, and promotional materials like posters and stickers.
Huge thanks to those of you who have already signed up to support us - we really appreciate it 💜
🎁 Club Perks
As well as supporting us, we're also planning the following perks for Supporters Club patrons:
A bi-monthly (around 6 times a year) behind-the-scenes update sharing subscriber numbers / growth, promotional efforts, and other stuff about the running of edi.bike;
A shiny 'Supporters Club' sticker;
Over time, we might also consult Club patrons on strategic decisions and other matters.
If you can't support us in this way, that's grand too - thanks for reading!