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September 2024
First and foremost, it’s my birthday! I am a September 1st Virgo, the very best of the virgo set (no offense to the rest of you). As a birthday present to me, share this newsletter with your friends and ask them to subscribe!
Because I’m Queen of the Virgos, I’m spending most of the little time I’ve taken off writing and trying to get some items off my to do list before the reason turns but I am headed to LA for a few days of rest with my wife. Anything you love to do there that you’d like to share?
My word count the night I hit 45k!
I hit the 50% mark with my novel project*! This is both a joyous and terrifying time as a pantser. It’s joyous because that is a lot of words to have written! Many times in the first half you think about quitting. You tell yourself the idea isn’t anything. But when you make it to the 50% mark it becomes clearer that the idea is actually more than just an idea. It can be a full fledged novel. Yay, you’re making it!
And yet! Half way isn’t finished. I know where I’ve been. I know where I intend to go. And yet there are still so many things to be done between here and the end and I’m cognizant of not doing the same things that I did in the first half. So its a scary place. Maybe those 45K words will all be for nothing. Maybe nothing good will come of all this time and effort. And that’s a potentially hard things.
Basically middles are Schrödinger's Cat. And that sucks.
*Also, if you're wondering I use Scrivener for writing. I don't use all of the super amazing functionality it has but I love what it does.
I’m waiting patiently for the results of the Ignyte Awards for this year! I’m nominated in the Novelette Category for “Spell for Grief and Longing” and voting ended at the end of August. Results will be announced in November so I’ll share on my social media and in my December newsletter!
Had such an amazing panel at WorldCon all about the prevalence of Monarchy in Fantasy work. It’s not available for replay unfortunately but I was so excited to be on the panel with the incredible Sherwood Smith whose book Crown Duel was one of my favorites as a teen.
I mentioned this last month but wanted to flag again that I spent time with fellow Ignyte Award Nominee The Blerd Library about writing, reading and being black in publishing. You can watch it here.
Older work to check out: Last year in addition to “Spell for Grief and Longing” Beneath Ceaseless Skies published “A Sin for Freedom” another Novelette. I really loved this work so if you’ve got the time, check it out and let me know what you think.
The Fireborne Blade by Charlotte Bond
The Fireborne Blade by Charlotte Bond: This little novella was a complete surprise! Following a knight and her squire on their way to slay a dragon I expected this to be a story I knew and might enjoy a slightly different telling of. Friends, when the twist hit I was SHOCKED. Now you may read it and sigh and say, “Eboni I saw that coming a mile away” and I will say to you “With love, fuck off” and pat your hand affectionately. Really an enjoyable little read with a little slight queer bit. I saw a recent video from the amazing Perpetual Pages on Youtube about the sequel coming out in October and I am ready.
A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford
A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford: This hits me in my queer werewolf-loving high fantasy feels. Our main character, one half of a set of twins, is on a quest to wake her sister from a sleeping curse. Imagine if Sleeping Beauty’s savior had been her queer, werewolf twin? That’s this. There’s plenty of romantic bits (are you getting a sense for what I like yet) and just as much self-discovery.Calla is really coming to terms with who she is without her sister who would be Queen to hide behind.
Lola & the Millionaies by Kathryn Moon
Lola & the Millionaires: Part One by Kathryn Moon: Friends, I am what the kids call a reader of smut. This book is the second in Kathryn Moon’s Sweetverse and the first of her work I’ve been exposed to. Lola is a beta who has been through the ringer. She’s dealing with some massive sexual trauma and fear of alphas when she meets the beta of her dreams. Except he comes with a pack of Alphas. What’s a girl to do? Well it’s mostly have sex and deal with her trauma. This is a sex heavy series of books so if that’s not your jam skip this one, but I liked the relationships which needed to develop relatively slowly given Lola’s trauma while still being sexy and loving. There’s also some corporate espionage and someone from Lola’s past haunting her.I ended up reading the book that started the series as well and I have to say I just like Lola and her guys a little better personally.
Trap (2024)
Trap (2024): This is the new M Night Shyamalan movie. My wife and I don’t love all of his films (Knock at the Cabin anyone?) but we both loved this! It was tense and engaging. It was an odd feeling to be both impressed with Josh Hartnett’s abilities and hoping he gets caught at every second. We’re both good at suspending our disbelief so this was a fun roller coaster ride. And of course the smallest of twists at the end because it’s Shyamalan, right?
Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011)
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017)
The Planet of the Ape Films (2011-2017): My wife and I have been rewatching these movies in the lead up to watching the new one (The Kingdom of the Planet of The Apes) and man they are lovely. I had a total epiphany during War for the Planet of the Apes that Cesar isn’t Jesus the way I originally thought but actually Moses. Don’t believe me? Watch them yourself and see. A child adopted into a better life from the one his mother died in decides to help his people be free of their oppressors. He leads them into the wilderness and eventually (give it a couple of films) leads them to paradise, though he never gets there himself. Just watch it and debate me. I’m happy to hear your argument.
Jess Owens (Youtube)
Jess Owens: I already shouted out Perpetual Pages in this newsletter but i wanted to highlight one of my other favorite youtubers Jess Owens. She reads some romance, some fantasy, has the cutest frenchie and is the kind of chaotic human I wish I could be friends with.
Short n' Sweet
Short n’ Sweet by Sabrina Carpenter: You’re getting a while album this month friends. I’m not usually someone who listens to a lot of music but Sabrina Carpenter has been taking up a ton of brain space for me since May and the arrival of her new album has been one I have been waiting for!
A Gay and his Enby
A Gay and His Enby: This is one of my favorite podcasts for the housewives. Merlin and Eamon chat about Real Housewives, Drag Race, Vanderpump and a few other things. They are hilarious and also give a great queer lens to these shows which I just love!
The Publishing Rodeo Podcast
The Publishing Rodeo: I learned about this podcast at WorldCon and I’ve found it so informative so far! I’m only a few episodes in but Sunyi Dean and Scott Drakeford have been really informative and the guests have been awesome. If you’ve ever wondered about the nitty gritty of the author experience especially when it comes to traditional publishing you’ll enjoy this podcast too.
Thanks so much for joining me on this ride! I look forward to being together again next month with new updates and other fun things. Stay tuned friends! Bye for now!
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