Happy New Year + Unfolding Insight

Hello fellow traveller-through-life :)
First of all, I want to wish you a happy, healthy, and fulfilling 2025.
I don't want to wave away the challenges — collective and individual — that we're going to face in the year ahead: there's gonna be some shit coming our way, of that I'm sure.
And yet... the time I spent among queer family at Tropical Fruits in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales over New Years was the perfect reminder of just how powerful the human spirit can be, and how fucking awesome we are when we come together in creativity, joy, and love. So here's to a year of all o' that, please!
Secondly, I want to let you know that with the launch of Unfoldi.ng I've also launched a newsletter: Unfolding Insight.
It’ll be a place to explore the nature of unfolding in more detail and share more regular updates about what I'm reading, learning, and experiencing along the way. To kick things off, I've a series on the voice in the head, how it limits us, and how to befriend it, that will start to drop this week. If you're curious to learn more about this, and unfolding more generally, head on over and subscribe.
That leaves this newsletter for my walks, of which I hope there will be many more to come in the years ahead. I'll look forward to reconnecting with you here the next time I put my boots on.
With love and a great big hug,