UX Design Weekly
Designing better tables for enterprise applicationsHow to design tables in enterprise applications and avoid commonly made mistakes. UX Portfolio Renee LinRenee is a UX designer at Royal Bank of Canada. Articles Stealing Your Way to Original DesignsA primer in using other influences to create an original design. UX Job User Experience Strategist (Intermediate) at Engine Digital – New York, NYSupport the research, planning, and design of web and mobile UI systems, producing various forms of deliverables including personas, schematics, wireframes, and prototypes. Media Free O’Reilly Design EbooksEnhance your design skills with these free ebooks from experts in UX design, design for the IoT, data-informed design, and more. What To Do If Your Product Isn’t GrowingHow critical user journeys can help a product take off. She wrote a case study about redesiging Booking.com that takes you through her thought process.
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Он включает в себя 34 проверенные комбинации, которые можно сразу использовать. Программные способы создания декоративных элементов предпочтительнее традиционных. BGPatterns является предшественником Patternninja. Просто люблю писать, переводить и давать людям возможность читать интересный контент. Хотя Hexnaw — это инструмент, который относится к цвету так же, как и предыдущие, его цель — улучшить доступность. Он имеет простой, интуитивно понятный и многофункциональный интерфейс, который идеально подходит для совместной работы. Для большинства людей, не связанных с этой профессией, быть цифровым художником может звучать романтично, авантюрно, а иногда даже легкомысленно.
Бесплатные инструменты для веб-дизайнеров
Web Tools Weekly Issue #212 (@font-face, Vue.js Tools, Media, Uncats)
Buttondown Email newsletter builder and campaign service. vue-easy-gantt A simple Vue.js gantt chart plugin for presenting weekly tasks. Vecteezy Editor Online, full-featured SVG editor. Issue #212 (@font-face, Vue.js Tools, Media, Uncats) What’s the status of @font-face support in browsers nowadays? Scribbletune Node.js module that helps you construct musical ideas with JavaScript String & Array functions and export them as MIDI files.
Web Tools Weekly Issue #212 (@font-face, Vue.js Tools, Media, Uncats)
Tổng hợp các công cụ hỗ trợ thiết kế miễn phí dành cho graphic designer
Từ các dạng logo nhỏ đến bộ nhận diện thương hiệu và ti tỉ những thứ linh tinh khác, DIY Free Logo Kits, Perspective Scene Creator và Home Vintage Mockup Scene sẽ là những công cụ đắc lực trong quá trình thiết kế. DIY Free Logo Kits được cung cấp bởi Envato. Muốn xóa bỏ ranh giới giữa 2 khái niệm này, hãy thử sử dụng UnDraw
Tổng hợp các công cụ hỗ trợ thiết kế miễn phí dành cho graphic designer
Quick testing of ideas has not harmed anyone.https://websiddu.github.io/sketch-material/ If you need to assemble the UI on Google Material guides immediately in Sketch - this plugin is for you. Drive in abracadabra, put breaks with a space. We are also familiar with React / React Native. Ready-made palettes (a lot), their applicability, examples, and even a bit of psychology in the form of a detailed description.https://typehero.now.sh/ A kind of unofficial extension of the functionality of Google Fonts. In this issue, a selection of the most interesting free cookies. More advanced than the previous ones: you can change the angle, add your own colors, adjust the transparency.
Vyzkoušejte Google fonts v různých barvách a stylech s pohodlným nástrojem — DeTePe [dtp]
Výrobce říká, že budeme potěšeni nabídkou dalších doplňků, například ikonami a fotografiemi na pozadí. Mnoho designérů, kdykoliv jim běží čas, se může snadno uchýlit ke špatné volbě a stylu fontu, což nemusí být zrovna to pravé pro jejich projekty.
Vyzkoušejte Google fonts v různých barvách a stylech s pohodlným nástrojem — DeTePe [dtp]