Liminal Space
the size and temper of your soul
February 22, 2018
Hello! It's dark and dreary and overcast here today, and was yesterday as well. I like dreary days sometimes, but these came on the heels of a temperature...
will your god accept me in my black and white?
February 7, 2018
Hi y'all! How’s February treating you so far? I took a little two-day jaunt down to Richmond, where I saw some family and friends, wreslted with several...
all the broad sky was grey
January 25, 2018
hello and welcome to the newsletter This is going to be a brief one, friends, because to be quite honest I forgot to write it. Let’s see what I can scrounge...
being woman too loudly
January 10, 2018
HI! This is me, charging in the new year and also your inbox. I have mixed feelings about New Year’s. It’s sort of the Las Vegas of holidays, isn’t it? All...
even the vegetables don't like him
December 6, 2017
Hi! Welcome! I’ve had a rough several weeks, anxiety-wise, and two things have helped more than anything else: heavily restricting my own access to social...
awesome, welcome to tragedy
November 22, 2017
Greetings! Come in! Happy Thanksgiving, if that’s a thing you celebrate! I am a Thanksgiving scrooge, but will be spending the day with good friends I don’t...
I'm already touching the lizard
November 8, 2017
Hi! My friends! It’s cold and rainy, I have my house to myself, I got a full night’s sleep last night, and I’m still riding that election high. Feels good,...
petals on a wet, black bough
October 11, 2017
hi! I love October. Halloween is a good time, but for me it’s the cherry on top of the wonder that is October. I love to see the leaves change, and begin to...
control is not convinced
September 27, 2017
hey hey I love trains. I love slow travel in general, honestly, and if I had all the time and money in the world I would travel exclusively by rail and boat....
arms outstretched
September 13, 2017
3-2-1 let's jam I’ve never been the kind of person who can consume in moderation. I’m not great at pacing myself when I have a pan of brownies, and I’m...
in a more enlightened time
August 31, 2017
yo yo here we go here we go My social media vacation/mental health break has pretty much come to an end, although I’ve been unfollowing and in general paring...
down comes the night
August 16, 2017
hello! I hit a point recently where a lot of things piled up at once, many of them bad, and all I wanted was to find myself on a deserted island somewhere,...
that can't be good for the table
August 2, 2017
hi hi depositing bon mot in your inbox like I spent last week with family in Memphis, Tennessee, which is where my dad hails from. It had been over 7 years...
grinning through my teeth
July 19, 2017
hi friends! This past weekend, I made the train journey up to NYC, for time with pals and to see the broadway musicalization of perfect Don Bluth movie...
let me drive my van into your heart
July 6, 2017
hi! My birthday was last week, so I took the day off work and went to the aquarium with the goal of seeing every single shark. I think I did it! It was a...
honey I'm still free
June 21, 2017
hi I’m already tired of summer. I don’t know if I’ve just grown weak in my old age or this summer really is as bad as it feels already, but the heat is...
so throw your pedestal of stone in the forgetful sea
June 7, 2017
yo! If you were a kid of a certain age in the US in the 90s, chances are you found yourself enrolled in the Book It! program. It went like this: you got a...
just hang with me and my weather
May 25, 2017
hey pals! Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the television show I would marry were it legal to do so, has been airing 2 episodes a week for the past three weeks, and I am...
tell me what it is to be quiet and yet still breathing
May 10, 2017
hi hi Free Comic Book Day was last weekend, a truly insane series of hours in which I interact with more people than ideally I’d ever see in person, and so I...
Let the statues crumble
April 19, 2017
hey. hey. hey. It’s me, your pal. First things first: you’ve watched the Last Jedi teaser trailer, yes? I’ll wait. Did I stand in my kitchen shaking for 45...
I'm in the middle of some calibrations
April 5, 2017
greetings, humans Mass Effect Andromeda came out two weeks ago, and since then I have been living and breathing the Andromeda Galaxy.It’s a game that’s...
waiting by an open door
March 22, 2017
hi folks the last couple weeks have been weird for me, because I went nearly directly from vacation to a family gathering to honor my aunt, who passed away...
why does anyone bother with the quaffle
March 8, 2017
hi pals How are y’all? This will be shorter than usual, as I have a cold and am feeling very sorry for myself about it. It’s time-consuming, the self-...
oh well, I guess that's just the way that it is
February 15, 2017
hi, hello One of my great loves is weather. I love wind, rain, snow, and, greatest of these: thunderstorms. We haven’t had any snow to speak of so far this...
the sea no longer torments me
February 1, 2017
hello i am here Sure has been a couple weeks, huh? I went away for a few days for family reasons, but I took the opportunity to temporarily unplug, which I...
a storm is always appropriate
January 18, 2017
hey, folks I’ve found myself looking backwards a lot lately. 2016 was a mess of a year, but if it’s a devil then it’s one I know well. 2017, particularly...
safe at last, sound of breaking glass
January 4, 2017
hey hey We did it, y’all. We made it to 2017. It feels like the last 6 weeks have been the longest of my life, and not just for the obvious reason. My brain...
there’s a hell of a good universe next door
December 16, 2016
hi So I keep a meticulous film journal, and according to it I have watched Howl’s Moving Castle 10 times since the end of October. That number actually seems...
your granny lied
December 1, 2016
yo I had dental surgery this week, which you probably know about if you follow me on any form of social media, as I have not shut up about it. In my defense,...
spit out the scorpions
November 17, 2016
Hey, it’s sure been a couple of weeks, yeah? Feels like no time and all of the time has passed since the last time I sat down to write one of these. The...
a heart's a heavy burden
November 2, 2016
helloo as you might be aware, the presidential election in the US is next week. This is a thing I am both eager for and dreading. I’d like to think that once...
raindrops the size of bullets thundered on the castle windows for days on end
October 20, 2016
hi! here i am! It feels like a long time has passed, but really it’s been a normal amount of time, I was just in Texas for a bunch of it, which distorted the...
boys becoming men, men becoming wolves
October 6, 2016
helloooo I know I was just in your inbox last week, but I’ll be traveling next week so you get a smallish newsletter today!I unplugged from social media for...
is this a big ol' robot?
September 29, 2016
hey hey It finally feels like we’ve reached the end of this eternal summer. It’s been cool, rainy, and misty for the last 3 days, so of course I am THRILLED....
i lied about the whales
September 15, 2016
hello hello hello the last fortnight has been one that’s felt busy because of various stresses, but really actually hasn’t been? I’ve been rewatching Steven...
it’s just as you always said it was
September 1, 2016
swimmin' into your inbox like I’ve just returned from a week away on vacation–a whole week! I spent it on the North Carolina coast. I was desperate for this...
don't matter if I break I gotta be on my own
August 17, 2016
hi! how are y’all doin? If you subscribed after reading my Voltron explainer in Elizabeth & Gav’s Rec Center newsletter, welcome! I’m very happy to have you....
bright made-up waves of the brain
August 4, 2016
hey hey swimming into your email like After the last few weeks stuck in a heat dome, in addition to our regular old horrible humidity, that gif pretty much...
haven't you noticed I'm a star
July 21, 2016
hey hey Like a lot of people in the world, Pokemon Go has somewhat taken over my life. If you’ve remained somehow untouched by the craze, here’s a good...
as small as a world and as large as alone
July 6, 2016
hey. It’s been a rough few days, here in the states. It feels like it’s been rough in a lot of ways in a lot of places lately. I don’t want this newsletter...
you can't just shove someone off a roof
June 2, 2016
Oh, it's good to see you! Kelly, you might say to me, are you still living and breathing Uncharted 4? I am, I would reply. I am, a bit. I took a break or...
you are terrifying and strange and beautiful
May 18, 2016
First: an apology. I was so exhausted while writing my last newsletter that I managed to not mention Beyoncé, or Lemonade, at all. Which is insanity, because...
have you ever seen the rain
May 5, 2016
Hey If I were a musician, I’d dedicate all of my music to the weather system, I think. I love it, and thunderstorms most of all. We’ve had days and days now...
on a spaceship somewhere sailing across an empty sea
April 21, 2016
hey hey hey Since I waxed on about my love of Sleepy Hollow in my last letter, I would be remiss if I didn’t address the season finale of that show, which...
i know most of you are not ghosts
April 7, 2016
yo yo yo First thing first: have you watched the Rogue One trailer? Please do that. I’ll wait. Done? Cool. We can move on. I went to New York! Again! This...
who keeps your flame, who tells your story
March 17, 2016
hey pals! My life thus far can be separated into three distinct sections: Life Before Hamilton (LBH), Life After Hearing Hamilton (LAHH), and Life After...
She put the Miss in misdemeanor when she stole the beans from Lima
March 4, 2016
oh, hello I didn’t see you there. I should have written this newsletter earlier but I didn’t and now we’re all paying the price. Anyway, let’s go! You’ve all...
always stay gracious, best revenge is your paper
February 10, 2016
Raise your hand if Beyoncé changed your life this week. I assume everyone’s hands are up. I’ve historically been what you might call a passive fan of...
Don't waste away until you're gone
January 28, 2016
Hello. I was at ground zero for the massive blizzard that hit the east coast of the United States, and contrary to Sam Jackson’s face in that gif, I loved...
Don't pick fights with the bullies or the cads
January 13, 2016
Hello, friends. I write to you from a nest of blankets by the hearth, where I have taken up residence. It’s cold, and in a week where we’ve lost both David...
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