why does anyone bother with the quaffle
hi pals
How are y’all? This will be shorter than usual, as I have a cold and am feeling very sorry for myself about it. It’s time-consuming, the self-pity.

Notable Breakfast

Dog Thing

Mixed Media

My mom and I used to talk jokingly about going to Hogwarts, but this past Christmas she made the joke very real when she gave me a little poem she’d written about how we were, in fact, going to go to Hogwarts. And so, last week we traveled to Orlando and spent three days in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

I wasn’t entirely sure how to feel about it going in–I love the world of Harry Potter, but this was a theme park. Was it just going to feel like the thing I love, but cheap and theme park-y?

It did not. It felt completely sincere and utterly charming. The level of love and detail that had gone into it was captivating. I spent a not insignificant amount of time just sitting and looking at my surroundings. It’s that kind of place.

There are two Universal Studios parks, with Wizarding World locations in each, Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley. They’re connected by the Hogwarts Express, which is honestly just a train with magicky English countryside going by outside the window, and occasional familiar silhouettes in the hallway. I loved it the most.

And did I buy my weight in Hufflepuff junk?

C’mon. Of course I did.

and so ends my ringing endorsement of Hogwarts.

I read the Captive Prince trilogy by C. S. Pacat, a series I’d heard a lot about from friends, but was on the fence about whether it was for me. One friend offered to lend me the first book, and by the end of the next day, I’d read all three. So, you know. I liked them. I read Newsprints by Ru Xu, and found it entirely delightful. I read Devil in Spring by Lisa Kleypas, who’s the only romance writer I really keep up with anymore. Love her work.

I checked out the new Volcanos album, Temples, and loved it so much i listened to it on repeat all day. I’m thrilled to have more Lorde in my life, and love her new single.

A friend had never seen any of the Fast & Furious movies, so we watched Fast Five and Fast & Furious 6 (back to back, for maximum impact). I bought the blu-ray of Long Way North on a whim and it is a gorgeous movie. Wish it had played in theatres here. A friend of mine has installed a projector & screen in his house and we watched Star Wars, de-specialized (so, in HD but without all of Lucas’ later nonsense add-ins). It was the first time I’d seen it in HD and with the sides on. I might have cried a little.

Anxiety Pyjamas

Fics I Shouted About
Lines on Palms by Fayhe // Captive Prince, Damen/Laurent, AU. As soon as I finished Captive Prince, I dove into Fahye’s fics, and I do not regret it. This trilogy, based on the premise that Auguste is still alive and Damen and Laurent meet in a diplomatic setting, is completely perfect. I also devoured all of her tumblr ficlets.
blue, buried deep by aknightly // Voltron, Keith/Lance, season 2 au. Season 2 of the show, only with more Lance, plus Keith & Lance shippiness.
heartlines by lupinely // Legend of Korra, Korra/Asami, post-show. Korra and Asami move forward. Asami deals with her grief.
Please Excuse My Penmanship by OurImpavidHeroine // Legend of Korra, Mako/Wu, post-show. You ever search for a ship out of curiousity, just to see if anyone has written anything for it? That’s how this started. I read this fic, more out of a love for the format than an interest in the pairing, and the next thing I knew I had read all of the fics in this truly incredible universe. There are a lot. They’re great. I’m in love with the original characters.
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered // Harry Potter, Draco/Harry, no epilogue au. This was the first Draco/Harry fic I’d ever read, and it was a good beginning because its strength lies in general healing–Gryffindors and Slytherins a decade down the line, learning how to be grown-ups in a world without Voldemort. I love it.
untitled by pants to match // Teen Wolf, Sterek, Scooby Doo AU. What it says on the tin. Scott, Kira, Lydia, Stiles, and a strange black wolf in a van, solving paranormal mysteries.
icebreaker by Cesare // Yuri!!! On Ice, Yuuri/Victor, future fic. One of my fave tropes in this fandom is outsider pov of people slowing figuring out that Yuuri or Victor are actually very famous, and this fic executes it so well. Yuuri goes back to grad school and soon his whole study group is in love with him.
House Proud by astolat // Harry Potter, Draco/Harry, no epilogue au. Harry’s house is unhappy. Harry doesn’t know what to do about it. Draco does. I love when houses are somewhat sentient, and this is such an interesting, wizardy take on that.

attn: fish
ok i love you bye!

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