Weak at the Knuckles
Sometime in December I began to notice whispering in my house. My roommates were having conferences; murmured conversations in the kitchen, or gathered around a laptop. I was in the home stretch of my master's degree, so I filed it away as something to investigate later. Eventually, I discovered the topic: fountain pens. At some point in the proceeding six months, a pen cult had formed in my home.
Did I want to hear about pens? No, no, I said. That's not for me. Okay, well. If you change your mind.
I ordered some things from a stationery shop and found myself about $10 away from free shipping. The shop carried fountain pens. Reluctantly, I asked if I could look at one of the cult's pens. They swarmed me. Which pen would I like to try? Which ink? Here, we'll put a green ink in a green pen and you can write with it. What do you think? I conceded it was nice, but didn't really feel the urge to invest. I ordered something else.
During the beginning of February, I stayed in my parents' house for a couple weeks while they were away. I took the opportunity to explore their town at my leisure, and, after buying several items from every single bookshop, discovered the stationery store. They carried fountain pens. Secretly, I bought one, taking it back to an empty house and writing a few letter with it, just to see.
Reader, I loved it. I went back and bought more ink and then, finally, I informed the cult.
They were thrilled. Ecstatic. They welcomed me with open arms, and I stopped resisting and admitted the truth. Fountain pens are great.
Now, it feels inevitable. I've always loved written correspondence, and material culture, and objects, and as I've gotten older and the world has become increasingly digital and online, I have found myself becoming more analog and offline. Fountain pens feel like a natural extension of all of that.
So, this is where I live now. It's wonderful. Wanna join?
Dog Thing
This is how we spent much of our time at my parents' house.
Mixed Media
good reads: In very "for me" books, I read The Long Weekend: Life in the English Country House, 1918-1939 by Adrian Tinniswood, which I quite enjoyed. Although country houses were/are a decidedly upper class realm, Tinniswood did a good job at highlighting the country house experience across the classes. I read Far from the Light of Heaven by Tade Thompson, which was a sci-fi locked-room mystery. I enjoyed the build-up more than the conclusion, but still had a great time. And finally, I read the latest volumes in two of my favourite manga series: Wotakoi and I Hear the Sunspot. Both are stories about romance and friendship in communities, and do what they do beautifully.
good film: I've only watched one film thus far this year, which seems fake?? But it was a good one: Poly Styrene: I am a Cliché, a documentary about the life and career of Poly Styrene, the frontwoman of the British new wave band X-Ray Spex. I've long been a fan of the band and of Poly specifically, but have had only a sort of halfway knowledge about her life. I loved that the doc treated her as a person first and a music legend second.
good tv: I started watching The Brokenwood Mysteries, a New Zealand murder show, and was swiftly sucked into it, mainly due to the presence of one Jared Morehu. His vibes are just. exquisite.
Once I watched all of those, I switched to Sister Boniface Mysteries, which I am quite enjoying. I also watched, and liked, The Book of Boba Fett. I didn't love every minute, but on the whole I'm still greatly enjoying Star Wars going fully Western.
good music: Mitski's Laurel Hell is everything and more. Fave track is "Stay Soft."
good game: As odd as it feels to recommend Sudoku as if it's new, I have become consumed by Killer Sudoku, which is Sudoku with additional math? Which sounds awful but I find it even more enjoyable than the classic.
good fic: If Life Was A Movie We’d Have A Better Soundtrack Than This by galaxysoup. Guardian, Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan, AU. I am crazy about this no powers AU where the SID crew is just a regular investigative unit and Zhao Yunlan runs into--quite literally--Shen Wei while pursuing a suspect on campus. I would read and entire series of stories in this universe.