the size and temper of your soul
It's dark and dreary and overcast here today, and was yesterday as well. I like dreary days sometimes, but these came on the heels of a temperature drop so severe that it made me ill all day yesterday. Betrayed but my one true love: the weather. But I've been cheering myself up looking at this picture, which never fails to bring me joy:
Everything about it is perfect, and the day it fails to make me laugh is the day you can put me in the ground.
Dog Thing

Mixed Media

Last week I was looking for something to watch while I folded laundry and painted my nails. The requirements for such a program set it apart from my normal tv viewing: it has to be something I can glance away from (so, no subtitles or I’ll miss the dialogue) and it has to be something where if I walk away for 30 seconds I won’t have missed a crucial element (so, nothing that’s short or tightly paced). I decided to put on Midsomer Murders, one of my mom’s favourite shows. This action inadvertently set off a hyperfixation and I have been able to do nothing but watch Midsomer Murders for the last 7 days.

Midsomer Murders is an enormously long-running British crime show about murders taking place in Midsomer County. There are many villages in Midsomer, each with its own charmingly British name (my personal favourite is Badger’s Drift), and so many murder victims to choose from. People die at a rate of 1-3 per episode, so it is a lot of victims, but not quite a Jessica-Fletcher-in-Cabot-Cove situation. But you can always rely on Midsomer to give you what you want, if what you want is people being killed in incredibly creative and improbable ways, but off-screen so you’re not drowning in gore.

The first lead on Misdomer was Tom Barnaby, played by Tom Nettles, and he played the role for ages before finally retiring and leaving it to John Barnaby, a convenient cousin from Bristol. Because There Must Always Be A Barnaby At Causton CID, apparently. The Barnabys are joined by a revolving door of sergeants, some lasting years, some mere episodes. Always white dudes.

Midsomer came under fire some years ago when previous showrunner Brian True-May commented that they didn’t include ethnic minorities on Midsomer because “It wouldn’t be the English village with them.” He’s long gone from the show now, however, and it does seem to be diversifying, little by little, both in racial representation, and including queer characters. There’s a long way to go, however. I’ve only seen one episode thus far in which someone’s queerness was not a dirty secret revealed over the course of the investigation.

On the whole, Midsomer is quirky and clever, with at least one Grand House an episode, which is fun for me, a lover of houses. My favourite seasons have been the ones with Handsome Beanpole Sergeant and Cute Pathologist (pictured above). They’ve both sadly left the show, but I’m muddling on. I tried to find a different murder show to watch yesterday, but nothing would do. I’m enjoying the gentle country murders too much. Series 1-19 are available to watch on Netflix.

I read A Seditious Affair and A Gentleman’s Position, both by K.J. Charles. I enjoyed them, but find I’m increasingly weary of Regency romances. I read Sex Fantasy by Sophia Foster-Dimino, which is a collection of mini-comics. I adored it. There were two in particular that knocked me on my heels, they were so good. I read Speak: The Graphic Novel by Laurie Halse Anderson, drawn by Emily Carroll. It’s rough and wonderful, and Carroll’s style is perfect for the adaptation.

STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING AND LISTEN TO JANELLE MONÁE’S NEW SONGS. In particular, watch the video for “Make Me Feel,” the new bisexual anthem. Go now! I’ve been listening to the Black Panther soundtrack all but nonstop since I saw it. Ludwig Göransson killed it on this score. Brandi Carlile’s new album By The Way, I Forgive You is astonishingly great.

WAKANDA. I loved Black Panther, completely. It’s the only superhero movie I’ve ever cried in. It’s the only Marvel movie I’ve seen where the women were given equal weight to the men, and not a single one of them was there solely to support a man. Incredible. Be prepared to fall completely in love with Shuri.

Fics I Shouted About
Gratuitous Hypothermia Prevention Fic by betp // In Other Lands, Elliot/Luke. Elliot is very cold. He doesn’t remember how he got that way, but he wishes it would stop. This is a lovely fic in which Elliot is suffering as only he can, and the people who love him best are dealing with it as only they can.
pushed up the window to kiss you off by aknightley // Voltron, Keith/Lance, season 4 AU. Keith and Lance get together, but just when they have to be apart. I love correspondence fic, and this is a great one.
Anxiety Pyjamas

You know of my love for the Mummy movies. I’ve never stopped feeling affectionate about Brendan Fraser, although it’s been years since I saw him in anything new. The new profile of him by Zach Baron is shattering, for a number of reasons. I recommend it.
BY THE WAY! If you ever read, or watch, or listen to something based on my recommendation, I would love to hear from you about it! You can always reply to these letters and the reply will find me, or seek me out on the social media!
