she felt very tired
Hi! It's me, your old friend! It's been a minute, hasn't it? If it seems like I dropped off the face of the earth that's because....I did. At the very least, I dropped off the edge of my own life. I moved! I moved myself to a whole new city! It's been....a whole thing!
This missive has taken me a long time to write, and the short answer for why is: I still don’t really have a letter-writing routine in place yet. Or a food-buying or laundry-doing routine, for that matter. Routine is very important to me, it’s the gear that keeps me ticking. The long answer, and the truer one, is that I don’t quite know who I am yet, in this new place. I knew who the old me–let’s call her Northern Kelly–was. She worked in a comic shop, she had her regular places, her small circle of local friends, her larger circle of distant friends. Southern Kelly works in a prose book shop, she still doesn’t have a permanent place to live, she has her local friends but doesn’t yet know how to make time to see them, she has her distant friends but no longer has the time to devote to chatting with them. She walks everywhere, and cut 7 inches off of her hair because it was just too hot. She misses her dog, and will continue to do so, until her dog is here.

So that’s what’s going on. I’ve loved writing and sending this newsletter for the past..uh…several?? years???? (I don’t actually know how many), and fully intend to continue to put it out! But you may see the format changing a little, or the frequency. In the meantime, here are some quick recs for you, if you’re into that sort of thing.
(I assume you are. You get this newletter.)
A good movie: Ocean’s Eight. This movie was everything I wanted it to be, except gay. I wanted it to be just a little gay. Other than that, it was a complete delight.
A good book: Persephone by Loïc Locatelli-Kournwsky. The gorgeous retelling of the familiar Greek myth by French creator Locatelli-Kournwsky was one of my most anticipated graphic novels and the finished product absolutely lived up to my expectations of it. Completely original, completely charming.
A good album: Dream Wife by Dream Wife. A lady punk delight! I keep going back to “Somebody” (“I am not my body, I am somebody.”) Also in the constant rotation at present: LOVE IS DEAD.
A good fic: history has its eyes on you by aloneintherain. This has quickly become my ultimate My Hero Academia fic. Set 10 years in the future, it spends a little bit of time with a lot of characters, and also features epistolary storytelling via social media, one of my very favourite things (and does it so well). It’s part of a whole series, and I honestly recommend the whole shebang. Also: this Ace Attorney fic is Very Good.
A good podcast: while development of my own podcast has moved to the back burner for the time being, I’m still greatly enjoying Be the Serpent, and in particular loved their recent episode about romance.
That’s it! That’s what I got for y’all. Thanks for hanging with me through this transitional period, and I’m sure I’ll be back on some sort of schedule soon.