safe at last, sound of breaking glass
hey hey
We did it, y’all. We made it to 2017. It feels like the last 6 weeks have been the longest of my life, and not just for the obvious reason. My brain has not been kind to me lately, and losing Carrie Fisher there at the end felt like a gut punch.

I’m going to miss her, both on my movie screen and just knowing she was out there in the world, living with mental health and doing it on her own goddamn terms. I’ve found some comfort reading her recent column in The Guardian.

My only resolution at the beginning of 2016 was to try and see more movies. I started keeping a journal for that purpose, and the end count was 95 movies, 48 of which were new to me! My book total this year was 127.
Notable Breakfast

Christmas Day breakfast, genuinely my favourite meal of the year.
Dog Thing

Santa dead.
Mixed Media

When I started writing this newsletter, I included a section in which I talked about the recent comics I liked the most. I later abandoned it because as much as I love comics (and I do), at the end of the day they are my job and sometimes I just want to not be thinking about my job. But I do love them, so here are a few of the new comics that rocked my world the most in 2016.

Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly, with art by Marcus To and colors by Irma Kniivila. Joyride came out of nowhere and quickly became my favourite sci-fi comic. A group of kids hitch a ride off of Earth and soon they’re speeding through the universe, encountering people and situations that they are woefully unprepared for. This comic is fun but isn’t afraid to tackle sticky subjects. The characters are so well-written (love a believable teen!), To’s art is kinetic and beautiful, and Kniivila’s candy-coated colors suit it perfectly.

This one technically started in 2015, but I’m in charge and I’ll allow it. Marjorie Liu has been one of my favourite writers for a good long while, and her writing on this comic is her best yet. Sana Takeda’s art is just incredibly, incredibly good. The texture and level of detail on every page (and she does the colors!) is breathtaking. Monstress is a story of witches and beasts, gods and monsters. It’s dense in a great way, 90% of the characters are women, and talking cats can raise the dead. Read it.
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Desire

Deadman is a character I’ve never thought much about (he’s a ghost? that’s pretty much his whole deal), but I will read anything written by Sarah Vaughn, so there was no way I was skipping this one. Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Desire is every great gothic ghost story I’ve loved, secretly tucked into a DC comic. Lan Medina’s art (with colors by José Villarrubia) is dark and detailed in a perfectly throw-back way. Every page feels like the cover of a gothic romance paperback. Also, have you ever thought to yourself “I wish a character in a DC comic would describe what being non-binary is,” because if so, I have great news.
Goldie Vance

Teen detective is a trope I will probably never tire of, and this take on it–written by Hope Larson, art by Brittney Williams, and colors by Sarah Stern–feels fresh and fun. Goldie Vance takes place in the 1950s, but one seemingly unmarred by racism or prejudice. Goldie herself is mixed race, and her great love is the girl who works in the local record shop. It’s refreshing to read, and the characters and mysteries are bubbly and fun.
Shade the Changing Girl

From DC’s new Young Animal inprint, Shade, written by Cecil Castellucci, with art by Marley Zarcone (of my beloved bygone favourite, Effigy) and colors by Kelly Fitzpatrick, follows Loma, an alien who steals a madness coat and finds herself in the body of a comatose human girl. It’s only 4 issues in, but watching Loma navigate unknown teenage waters is a delight and Zarcone’s perfectly loopy art makes this one of the first books I reach for every month.
(my fave ongoing comic is still GIANT DAYS)
Okay that’s it READ SOME COMICS.

Right before Christmas, my mom’s broken CD player miraculously spit out my long-lost Legend of Zelda Symphony disc, so naturally I have been celebrating by listening to it nonstop. Also Nick Lowe. My friend Jody made a mix of music she listened to a lot in 2016, and I love it.

I watched the 2015 adaptation of And Then There Were None, and loved it. Acting and cinematography were delicious. The sets were so exquisite I’d happily spend $50 on an art book all about them. I watched the Black Mirror episode “San Junipero.” You know the one, probably. The gay one. I don’t like Black Mirror, for a host of reasons, but I loved San Junipero.

I’ve been replaying Legend of Zelda: Windwaker, which is maybe (probably? definitely?) my favourite video game. It’s been like visiting an old, beloved place.

I saw LA LA LAND on Christmas Day, and found it just ok. It’s a prime example of a movie which would have been much, much more interesting if the leads hadn’t been white. It probably didn’t help that I watched Singin’ in the Rain a few days later, which really just does it better. I saw Lion, and really liked it. Cried buckets. Dev Patel’s hair is incredible.
COMICS illustration by Paulina Ganucheau!
Anxiety Pyjamas

Fics I Shouted About
the spirit is too blunt an instrument by Deputychairman Star Wars TFA, Finn/Poe, Finn finds a child being held in a First Order facility on a mission that’s meant to be a quick in-and-out.
stay awake with me awhile by kevystel Yuri!!! On Ice, Victor/Yuuri, Victor character study. This is a lovely non-linear fic with an easy rhythm to it that I loved.
Bad Santa by yodasyoyo Teen Wolf, Sterek. Stiles gets Derek in the pack secret Santa and proceeds to come to several realizations.
house of fire by ilgaksu Voltron, Lance/Keith, olympians au. Lance is a swimmer, Keith is a gymnast, they meet at the Olympics in Rio. This is mostly an epistolary fic, including texts and tweets, which is 100% my jam.
your love is bright as ever by aknightley Voltron, Lance/Keith, olympians au. A spin-off of “house on fire.” Keith and Lance have cats and get engaged. That’s all this is, and I love it so much I have read it 10 times.
Steady as she goes vy noelia_g Rogue One, Jyn/Cassian, future au. Jyn decides to fix K2. This fic hit all the right notes for me in terms of the rebellion post-movie.
autoclave by ilgaksu Voltron, Allura/Shiro. After she loses her father, she’s a little lost.
Stargazer by Fahye and inknose Yuri!!! On Ice, Victor/Yuuri, sci-fi au. This is the show, essentially, only Victor is a space prince and ice skating is done without gravity in a sphere. The world-building is perfect.
Gravity by Fahye Yuri!!! On Ice, Yuri/Otabek, sci-fi au. Sequel to “Stargazer!” And an arranged marriage thing! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. I read it, and then immediately read it again.
untitled by lavenderek Teen Wolf, Sterek. They fight about everything, even proposals.
i’d still dance with you by pheonee Yuri!!! On Ice, Yuri/Otabek, future fic. Their relationship is secret, and then Victor stumbles across them at the Olympics. This totally nails Yuri’s voice.
This Yuri!!! On Ice fanvid set to (what else?) “Yuri on Ice” is great.
a fantastic Lena Luthor comic from foleypdx
thanks for sticking with me all year, kids. <3 you all!

grumble at me in a reply or find me here: tumblr I twitter I instagram