just hang with me and my weather
hey pals!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the television show I would marry were it legal to do so, has been airing 2 episodes a week for the past three weeks, and I am in HEAVEN. But it also reminds me over and over that Andre Braugher has never won an Emmy for his career-defining portrayal of Captain Raymond Holt, a TRAVESTY. And yes yes, we all know that awards are garbage, nonetheless: TRAVESTY.

Anyways, please support my fiancé, the television show Brooklyn Nine-Nine. You will not regret it.
Notable Breakfast

Dog Thing

Today is the 7th anniversary of the day Vista walked up to me in the street! By the end of which I had a dog. Here she is in that first year of ours together.
Mixed Media

I’ve been listening to the How to Train Your Dragon soundtrack on and off a lot this week, and there are whole chunks of it that make me just…break down. I cry, sitting at work, reading comics. Because the music is so good, and because it evokes in me a lot of emotions, all at once.

I never read the books, but was immediately enraptured by the movie. And, I mean, a story about a misfit kid who befriends a giant goofy flying cat-dog creature, learns all about its kind through observation rather than force, and goes on to change the collective minds of his entire people? What about that wasn’t I going to love?

This movie hits me in all my soft spots. I’ve seen it more times than I can count. I have, on at least one occasion, watched it twice in a row because the DVD restarted on its own and I didn’t notice. Is it perfect? No. It’s far too white, for one thing (and you can take the “historical accuracy” argument and march it right into the sea, this is a film about dragons and vikings with scottish accents, get out), and there are a couple of plot things in the sequel that drive me NUTS.

But there’s a lot that it does very well, including subverting gender tropes. The women in How to Train Your Dragon are great, and interesting, individuals. And visually, both movies are a treat. And the music, what with the crying. So good.

Anyway. Highest of recs.

I watched ACCA, an anime about a government inspector who finds himself in the middle of a coup. I loved it. Every character was obsessed with bread, and it was far more beautiful than a show about bureaucrats has any right to be, honestly.

I’ve been rereading Garth Nix’s Old Kingdom series after buying the newest book a few months ago and realizing it had been a decade, probably, since I’d last read the others. It’s still as great as I remembered. I read Dark Prophecy, the newest book in Rick Riordan’s Trials of Apollo series, and loved it. Finally, I read The Course of Honour by Avoliot, a whole, wonderful, original queer sci-fi romance. I’ve read other books that started out as online serials, but this was the first I read while it was still online, and it felt like I was robbing the candy store. It was great.

I feel like I was the wrong generation for Paramore when they first got big, but I am in the perfect place for their return. Rose-Colored Boy is my fave track.

Speaking of free online things, I watched Macross: Do You Remember Love? a truly bananas anime made in 1984 in which pop music saves the galaxy. That’s not a joke, that’s the thing that happens. The whole thing’s on youtube.

I played What Remains of Edith Finch, a game in which you move through an abandoned house and discover how its inhabitants died. If I had to define my perfect game, it would be exactly that. It was very sad, but I loved it.
Anxiety Pyjamas

Fics I Shouted About
Stately Homes of Wiltshire by waspabi // Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, AU. Everyone has a list of things they like best in certain fics, right? I certain do for Harry Potter, and this fic ticks all of the boxes. All of them! Wizarding house lore, wizarding world history, prime Harry & Draco banter, Harry is Desi, Draco mentally wants to toss himself out a window every time he looks at Harry, everyone is magnificently in-character, all of it. The plot is thus: Malfoy Manor is falling apart, and seems to be haunted besides, but when local muggles start getting drawn into it, the aurors are called in to deal with it. I can’t praise this fic highly enough, it is my fave.
untitled by lavenderprose // Yuri!!! On Ice, Yuri/Otabek, future fic. This is a sweet, sweet, funny little fic about Yuri and Otabek being very old and married and still very themselves. I loved it.
Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by waspabi // Harry Potter, Harry/Draco, AU. While I was shouting about Stately Homes, waspabi was uploading the last chapter to this giant fic where Harry, due to the Dursleys moving, reaches the age of 17 without knowing he’s a wizard. Hermione et al find him and take him on the run with them. This fic is a lot of fun, and again its strength is character voice and Draco’s sheer despair at Harry’s everything.
untitled by coffeeinallcaps // Star Wars TFA, Finn/Poe. Coffee did me a solid and wrote about Finn being sick and delirious and I was VERY happy.
There’s a lot of bad happening right now, here in the U.S. and all over the place, so much that I can’t hold it all in my head at once a lot of the time. But this newsletter is a reliable beacon for me, and I hope it’s one for you, too.
have a good one, folks

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