i lied about the whales
hello hello hello
the last fortnight has been one that’s felt busy because of various stresses, but really actually hasn’t been? I’ve been rewatching Steven Universe and replaying games I’ve already played. It’s all self-care, really. Also self-care:
thinking about this fancy bone china BAT PLATE

and this fantastic little guest house

I’ve looked at that sofa online so many times now that facebook is only showing me ads for furniture, which is basically my ideal.
Notable Breakfast

Dog Thing

sweet summer child
Mixed Media

If you’ve ever had a conversation with me about Marvel comics, you probably learned that I don’t much care about Peter Parker as a character. I’m tired of seeing movies about him, tired of his origin story, and tired of the idea that the white nerd is the “little guy.” In this day and age, that simply isn’t true. When it comes to spider-people, I much prefer Miles Morales and the various spider-ladies (Silk, Spider-Woman, Spider-Gwen, and Spider-Girl). My Peter Parker opinions were a hill I was prepared to die on, until Hannah Blumenreich came along and changed my mind.

Hannah’s Peter Parker is a gangly teenager with foofy hair, and his Aunt May is totally in the know. Hannah completely nails Peter’s nerdiness in a way that is sweet and fun, rather than cloying and defensive. Nobody’s getting shoved into lockers, but some people might have their ears yammered off about anime.

It’s more than just Peter’s character, though. Hannah’s comics are funny, the pacing and panel splits are excellent, and her art is great. If anyone at Marvel has any sense, they’ll put her on a Spidey book tout suite, but for now we’ll have to console ourselves with her (free!) Spidey Zine. You can also support her Patreon!

(if we’re being honest, maybe 50% of the reason I’m as excited as I am about the forthcoming Spider-Man Homecoming is the resemblance Tom Holland bears to Hannah’s Peter. the other 50% is this)

I’ve been watching an anime called Amanchu!, about two girls who bond in their scuba diving club, which is really cute and fun, and also extremely frustrating because if there were any justice in the world it would be a romance. I started watching the Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell miniseries, which I am enjoying mostly in spite of its protagonists. I watched something like 60 episodes of Steven Universe in the space of a week, which has driven home just how great a show it is. I’ve been noticing lots of new things, and have really come to appreciate Pearl more, as a character, but Connie and Steven remain my faves.

I’ve been making my way through my stack of poetry books, and read Warsan Shire’s Teaching My Mother How to Give Birth and Ada Limón’s Bright Dead Things. Warsan Shire contributed the poetry to Beyoncé’s Lemonade, but this volume is heavily about her experience as a refugee, and is incredibly powerful (“no one leaves home / unless home is the mouth of a shark”). My favourite out of Bright Dead Things was “Lies About Sea Creatures.” I read Pocahontas: Princess of the New World by Loïc Locatelli-Kournwsky, a graphic novel about the life of Pocahontas, which was incredibly good.

I saw Florence Foster Jenkins, which was really just okay (Meryl’s fake bad singing was impressive though), but Rebecca Ferguson was in it, which got me thinking about Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation, so I rewatched that.

I also watched My Neighbor Totoro for the first time in forever, and fell in love with it all over again. Such a perfect movie for so many reasons.

Carly Rae Jepson’s E-MO-TION Side B! Is great! I love “Store” the most because it sounds like a little song she made up while gathering her things to go to the store and then she took it into a studio and put it on an album. I listened to the Beasts of the Southern Wild soundtrack a lot. It’s one of my very favourite movie scores. Perennial reminder that Nina Simone’s “Feeling Good” is a perfect song.

Replayed a bunch of Nancy Drew video games, which I do a few times a year. On the tabletop side, played Machi Koro, King of Tokyo, and Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards (for the first time!), which made for a solidly great evening of gaming. I highly recommend all three games.
Anxiety Pyjamas

Fics I Shouted About
i can’t help but want by aknightly Voltron, Keith/Lance. Lance and Keith are crashed, trapped on separate planets with only each other’s voices over the com for company.
Find It And Keep It by shinyjenni Star Trek Beyond, Jaylah, Gen. The Jaylah pieces keep a-coming, what a glorious world this is! Jaylah is given gifts by the Enterprise crew.
The Curve of Your Clavical by WhoNatural Teen Wolf, Sterek, a/b/o AU. Derek has a coworker who drives him up the wall during the day, and an AMSR youtuber he turns to at night. It never occurs to him they could be the same person. This is a really interesting take on a/b/o, with a conclusion I loved.
we were a fire with no smoke by notcaycepollard Captain America Civil War, Sam/Bucky, supernatural AU. Bucky isn’t quite as human as he once was.
untitled by alocalband Check Please!, Nursey/Dex. Lovely little ficlet.
a final spider-man thought:

that’s all for now!

holler at me in a reply or find me here: tumblr I twitter I instagram