haven't you noticed I'm a star
hey hey
Like a lot of people in the world, Pokemon Go has somewhat taken over my life. If you’ve remained somehow untouched by the craze, here’s a good overview of the game. For my part, however, it came along right at the same time I was feeling frustrated with my largely sedentary lifestyle, and has given me solid reasons to get outside and exercise. My younger dog and I have taken to walking 1-3 miles every morning, over challenging, hilly terrain (in addition to seeking out Pokemon, the game rewards you for walking specific distances. Plus, our route takes me by several poke-spots, where I can resupply).
Also, things like this happen on the regular now:

All in all, it’s been a delightful addition to my life.
Notable Breakfast

Dog Thing

Mixed Media

Like a lot of women I know, I was very, very excited to see Ghostbusters, partially because so many whiny dudes were mad about it (this reasoning also compelled me to see Mad Max Fury Road its opening weekend, which I probably wouldn’t have seen otherwise and which was my favourite movie of 2015), and partially because this moment happened in the trailer:

I was prepared to enjoy the movie, and love the heck out of Kate McKinnon’s Jillian Holtzmann. What actually happened was I experienced so much sheer delight watching the movie that my body could hardly contain it (I generally react physically to movies, but one scene in Ghostbusters had me slapping myself in the face), and my life was literally changed by Kate McKinnon’s performance.

But honestly, every single performance in the movie is fantastic. I loved Leslie Jones’ Patty Tolan, and really wish we could have had more of her. Chris Hemsworth committed to his role as a glorified prop, which completely sold it, and really, everyone’s choices in this movie were excellent. If I had one critique of it, it would be that it winked a bit too much at the original, but that wasn’t nearly enough to ding my enjoyment of it.

This is an excellent movie, and I highly recommend it.

My anime spiral continues. I watched all of Beyond the Boundary, which aside from a pretty extreme example of the perverted anime boy trope, was excellent. I watched Aldnoah.Zero, a sci-fi series about a war between Earth and Mars (also on Hulu), and season one of Kuromukuro, which is about a samurai coming forward in time, only his weapon of choice is a giant robot. It’s full of nods to Inuyasha, the long-running series about a modern girl who goes back in time, and which was one of my earliest anime obsessions. Finally, I watched Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, which was brutal but I got sucked in despite myself, and Say I Love You, a romance series that was equally brutal, for very different reasons. Also, Steven Universe is back with new episodes every weekday, and back to breaking our hearts with love and music.

I fell in love with Kenji Tsuruta’s Wandering Island, a manga about a girl who inherits 30 years of journals from her grandfather and finds herself obsessed with that thing that consumed him–finding a mythical island. I loved it so much I immediately bought one for myself and one for a friend. I also read and loved Sam Bosma’s Fantasy Sports 2, which perfectly builds on the simple premise of the first book.

I saw Star Trek Beyond last night, and loved it. It felt like an episode of Star Trek, only bigger, and was really what Into Darkness should have been. Director Justin Lin excels at finding character moments in the midst of frenetic action (his are my favourite of the Fast & Furious movies), which was exactly what the new Star Trek franchise needed.

Kishi Bashi’s new single “Say Yeah” is fun as hell. Shura’s full album Nothing’s Real is out, and really great.
Anxiety Pyjamas

Modcloth Splendid Time Alone Top & Shorts
Fics I Shouted About
untitled by alocalband Teen Wolf, Sterek, summer camp AU. Stiles and Derek see each other again at summer camp, after a year of corresponding. I love summer camp fics.
My Baby Says A Lot of Things by Barkour Voltron, Keith/Lance. Lance finally kisses an alien girl, which leads to a frank conversation with Keith.
Celebrate the Me Yet to Come by Vera Ghostbusters, Holtzmann/Erin. This is primarily a Holtzmann character study, and it is excellent.
i brought my pencil by betp Teen Wolf, Sterek, high school AU. Betp rewrote the first part of her excellent series about Stiles tutoring Derek, one of my very favourite fic series.

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