have you ever seen the rain
If I were a musician, I’d dedicate all of my music to the weather system, I think. I love it, and thunderstorms most of all. We’ve had days and days now of rain and gray, but only ONE good storm, and that is a ratio that is frankly unacceptable.
Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day, which is a pretty big deal in my business, so you might imagine that I am tired (and you’d be correct!). I’ve been distracting myself by fantasizing about holing up in one of these comfy, green spaces:

I would bring a stack of books with me and speak to no one for a week.
Notable Breakfast

Dog Thing

Mixed Media

I am a collector by nature. I think that’s true for a lot of bibliophiles, and it’s certainly true of comics readers. One of the things I collect are vintage illustrated storybooks. I have illustrators who I look for, but this week I came across plates by H.J. Ford for The Violet Fairy Book, and was smitten.

You can see the full book here, which features stories from all over the world (albeit viewed through a 19th Century British lens). Suffice it to say, Ford is on my radar now. And rest assured that if I ever win the lottery, this will be me:


I just saw Captain America: Civil War, and my hot take is that it was good, but I am exhausted. Just, tired of superhero movies. And angered anew that there’s never been a Black Widow movie, despite her central importance to the Marvel cinematic universe. I watched Pride, about a group of gay men and women who supported miners during the strike in the U.K. in the 80s. It was a complete delight, and I highly recommend it.

I finally sat down and finished the first season of Supergirl (I hadn’t watched since December!), and I loved it. The people, the relationships, the fact that the emotional heart of the show is Kara and her sister. Spurred on by the crossover episode, I also caught up on Flash, which was as fun as I remembered.

I read a bunch of things! The standouts were the first Rivers of London graphic novel, Body Work, Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone, a fantasy book that I enjoyed, although it could use more gargoyles, and All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders, about science and magic at the end of the world. I also read Lucy Knisley’s newest book, Something New, which I loved and wrote about here.
Anxiety Pyjamas

Mink Pink Right from the Get-Grow Top & Shorts
Fics I Shouted About
untitled by bittyybee Check Please, Jack/Bitty. Jack has a panic attack and Tater calls the last number in his phone, expecting his girlfriend to pick up. Well.
More than a Hockey Story: Parson Makes Stunning Sundance Début by des-zimbits Check Please, Jack/Bitty, future fic. I am a sucker for a good outside POV fic, and this one, done in the style of a news article, is simply excellent.
I don’t think I ever mentioned that I wrote this, back in March: Gone Native

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