Liminal Space
february 2025
February 28, 2025
Greetings, friends. I have been having a bad brain time, a result of which is that I have been spending my every waking hour tearing through queer cozy...
january 2025
January 31, 2025
hello and welcome to 2025! is it “happy”? so far, not really! a new year to us all, anyway. catch-up: here are a couple of things i meant to write about in...
december 2024
December 31, 2024
we’ve done it! we’ve reached the final month of 2024. merry happy etc to us all. i’m coming to you live from the pacific coast, where it stopped raining long...
november 2024
December 3, 2024
some big news: i bought a house! it’s 104 years old and needs a fair amount of work. if you notice the number of books i’ve managed to read in a month...
october 2024
November 3, 2024
hello! this month was full of very stressful real life stuff, so I didn’t engage with much that was new to me (although I did spend many hours playing every...
september 2024
October 1, 2024
it’s me! your pal door. let’s get to it! game: Nancy Drew: The Haunting of Castle Malloy (2008). i’ve resumed my nancyposting! i’ve actually already played...
august 2024
August 31, 2024
we’ve done it, friends. we’ve made it to the end of august. theoretically, autumn will follow shortly and i’ll have a somewhat functional brain again....
july 2024
July 31, 2024
i wrote this one early. i’m learning from my mistakes (this will never happen again). i loved just about everything i read or watched or played this month,...
june 2024
July 8, 2024
hello! this missive is belated on account of my birthday is at the end of june, after which i need time to recover. naturally, i am not capable of writing a...
may 2024
May 31, 2024
hi pals! i had carpal tunnel surgery on my dominant hand at the beginning of the month, so i spent a lot of time sitting on my sofa with my hand elevated on...
april 2024
April 30, 2024
hello again mes amis! here are some things i enjoyed this month. read: Death in the Spires* by K.J. Charles. i’m a huge fan of charles, who predominantly...
march 2024
March 31, 2024
hello! i'm back again. here are some things i liked in march of 2024 pod: New Angle: Voice. this is a podcast produced by the Beverly Willis Architecture...
february 2024
February 29, 2024
welcome to the experiment! here's some things i liked this month. game: stray (2022). been on my list for a while, and fortuitously went on sale when i was...
a transition
February 21, 2024
hi! been a minute, hasn't it? i'll be honest with you, friends: i thought this newsletter was done. it had been a bright spot in my life for a long time, but...
in this short Life that only lasts an hour
November 4, 2022
I ha
spark; stranger; scripture; sting
September 2, 2022
I went to a wedding earlier this summer. I'm in my 30s, so I go to a lot of weddings, but this one was special: it was the marriage of two people who I had...
the heat presses down equally everywhere
June 14, 2022
Hello my friends, Summer is my enemy; a long, hot season in which the world blooms around me and I determinedly huddle in my home. I am not a creature of...
Clever, stupid, short and long
March 31, 2022
Hello! One of the unexpected outcomes of my joining the pen cult is that I am writing more. Perhaps, you are thinking, this is in fact an obvious outcome of...
Weak at the Knuckles
February 26, 2022
Sometime in December I began to notice whispering in my house. My roommates were having conferences; murmured conversations in the kitchen, or gathered...
in the forest of the night
January 25, 2022
Hi! Happy new year! I've been thinking about aliens. After a relative drought year of reading, I've been consuming books like water thus far in 2022. A lot...
the act of upheaval
December 18, 2021
A thought experiment for you: close your eyes. No, leave them open actually, unless you have a screen-reader. Otherwise, just sort of--pretend you're closing...
sail away
November 16, 2021
I have been longing for winter. I know that the shorter, colder days are rough for a lot of people, but I have always had the opposite reaction: summers,...
You've got to pick up every stitch
October 14, 2021
hi hello I am an American who was raised in America, and as a consequence of which Halloween is sort of a big deal for me. Every year, we'd watch a Disney...
I saw something nasty in the woodshed
September 2, 2021
When I was a kid, I took voice lessons. It was an hour a week and my teacher lived far enough away that it didn’t make sense for my mom to drive home during,...
Whose house is of glass
August 9, 2021
Glasshouses. They combine three things I love: plants, architecture, and being indoors. Recently I was in Asheville, NC with family, and my mom and I visited...
oh baby, oh baby
July 9, 2021
When I was small, my neighbor Sarah was the coolest person I knew. She was 3 years older than me, lived one house over, and was an only child. She was the...
Take your protein pills and put your helmet on
June 3, 2021
I am not a fan of capitalism, and the past year has not endeared it to me in any great way. I am a fan of science fiction, and as such a theme that I...
What is a life lived but an array of objects
May 19, 2021
I think about jewelry an awful lot for someone who mostly doesn’t wear jewelry. Partially this is a decorative arts thing and I DO like to look at the flashy...
Do I dare to eat a peach?
April 11, 2021
When you put stress- in front of a word it becomes a thing you are doing in reaction to outside stimuli and not because your brain sometimes actively works...
I’m out of practice at controlling my expression.
March 14, 2021
Earlier this year, I took part in a book exchange. The idea was that you responded to a friend’s post about the exchange, they gave you a name and address to...
oh hey
March 7, 2021
so. it’s been awhile, yeah? sorry about that. there have been some big changes and little changes in my life, as I’m sure there have been in yours. I’ve been...
November 1, 2019
Welcome to Liminal Space by me, Door Williams. Sign up now so you don’t miss the first issue. Subscribe now In the meantime, tell your friends!
the only other option is to lie still and learn nothing
September 29, 2019
I found I had a lot to say this week. To begin: a love letter to a house. Years before I was born, my uncle built a house on the North Carolina coast. It...
the border is to be on the way
September 8, 2019
I have a fraught relationship with food. I don't enjoy eating, in general. I don't enjoy cooking. I frequently get through each day by mentally calculating...
our little road with never a crossroad in sight
August 26, 2019
dear friends, I was talking to a friend this week and mentioned that I have this newsletter I write, and she checked it out and then told me "it's got to be...
I don’t even want to come in out of the rain
August 11, 2019
dear, dearest friends, It's been five months, and in that time I have mentally written and send a half a dozen missives, at least. I've missed you! Let's...
Space is too dangerous and wonderful to face alone.
April 6, 2019
greetings, friends I hope you’re ready for some ruminations about found families, because that is where I’m AT. Longtime subscribers will know this is far...
trust: i am no god, only woodworm
March 24, 2019
welcome! I saw Captain Marvel last weekend, which was fun and strange for a few reasons. It was odd to watch it and remember when the existence of that movie...
i want my mouth to make the shapes your mouth makes
March 3, 2019
Hi! Yes, I know I it's only been a week since my last missive. I'm keeping you on your toes. I had an odd reaction to a movie this week. I watched The...
I needed to have an emotion in private
February 24, 2019
hi hi there This past Christmas, I gave my best friend a copy of The Future is Female, an anthology of science fiction stories written by women from the...
baby I'm the whole damn meal
January 27, 2019
I am not very good at change. This is surely not news to you, a person who used to receive a newsletter every other week like clockwork and now gets one...
a person to whom things do not happen
December 2, 2018
Hello! If you follow me anywhere on social media, you will know that I have been reading Mark Dery’s recent biography of Edward Gorey, appropriately called...
and a comb and a brush and a bowl full of mush
November 11, 2018
hello! I think about houses a lot. So much so that I am genuinely afraid to check if I began my last newsletter in just this way. I might have. I’m not going...
It starts with doors.
October 14, 2018
Friends! Hello! I’ve been thinking a lot about magical houses recently. To be honest, I’m nearly always thinking about magical houses, as magical houses are...
where I end and begin still belongs to me
September 9, 2018
Hi! I did say I'd be back, didn't I? I’ve been thinking a lot about star signs lately. Growing up, my understanding of the zodiac was that my mom would...
she felt very tired
June 11, 2018
Hi! It's me, your old friend! It's been a minute, hasn't it? If it seems like I dropped off the face of the earth that's because....I did. At the very least,...
getting lost in the dark is my favorite part
April 18, 2018
Hi good friends and enemies! I hope y'all are ready to dive into this newsletter. But first, an announcement! Coming soon: A PODCAST.My friend Robyn and I...
this is the weather the cuckoo likes
April 4, 2018
Hey hey hey That’s me, marching into spring. I’m ready for it. Let’s go.Notable BreakfastDog ThingMixed MediaOne of my favourite comics this past year has...
to erupt into a sturdier form
March 21, 2018
hey pals! If you follow me on twitter you will of course know this, but I have a new life calling, and it is tweeting about Midsomer Murders. My obsession...
you wouldn't believe what once or twice I have seen
March 7, 2018
Hello! My friends! How are y'all holding up? A few of you reached out to tell me things you'd checked out on my recommendations, and it made my week! Please...
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