may: so many important things happened this time. what the heck.
Oh boy, there are so many important things to talk about in this month newsletter, so let’s start with the main update first:
About “love I’m not good for you”
a small brown bunny smiling, next to the red text “????????”
Last month, I said I’d work on the phone design for the game! And that’s what I did! I finally finished the “external” phone design for EP1 (the layout, buttons, main colors, and more!) + the phone background. It’s already coded into the game! ^^
Now, I’m gonna focus on the apps (the icons) and phone screens (of each app). I’ve already done some quick sketches of them but now it’s time to do the real thing!
You can check the finished work on my new brand ko-fi!
Which brings me to the first important notice…!
1. I am now on Ko-fi! 📢
YES! It’s true! 😤
I’ve decided to give Ko-fi another chance (I used to have one but left the site) because a) I had no other better alternative tbh, b) its UI is beautiful 🥰✨ and c) I was suffering writing Patreon posts!The font size is SO TINY! Every time I had to write a post, I had to zoom-in the browser because my eyes would hurt otherwise. It became something really annoying to deal with.
So, yep! I’m now doing updates behind-the-scenes on Ko-fi! ^^
My Patreon won’t be deleted!
It’s still alive! And that’s because…!
2. Releasing old patreon posts!
Yes! I’ve decided to release old patreon posts to the public :3!
I think enough time has passed to make my first posts on Patreon available to everyone! I will also cross-post them on Kofi! My very first patreon post is already public on Patreon and Ko-Fi! So go and check it out! ^^
(Note: The most recent patreon posts won’t be released until some months later, so you’ll have to wait until then. 👀)
I’m not gonna continue updating my progress on Patreon.
Right now, Patreon is paused until a) I come back or b) simply decide to unlaunch the page. Current members will NOT be charged. But since I charge upfront, I think it STILL admits new members (they’ll be able to check all patreon posts available there) but I strongly advice you against this. Because I’m not sure if I’m gonna return 🤔 so, it’s better if you support me via Kofi instead! ^^
And where did I announce this change?
On my new Tumblr!
3. I have a Tumblr now! (again?!)
Look, I have a love-hate relationship with Tumblr that you can read all about it in my first post here but, I had no other choice since I left Cohost (for reasons I won’t say here).
The main reason I left Tumblr before was because of the many, many spam nsfw bots that kept following me for some reason! It was so tiring having to deal with them again and again. 😣 But, surprisingly, I haven’t found a single bot since I joined this time and that’s such a relief! Iuff!
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
And, since this time I’m not worrying about its theme design (because I simply chose one already available to use), I can finally use Tumblr as God intended: as a blog! Finally!
(Not so much as a “professional” game devlog but, more like a personal one!)