july 2024
August 8, 2024
1 my favored month in the glorious thick of summer. when it’s so hot that the evening cool air, if you’re lucky, feels delicious. my houseplants thrive,...
17 lbs of ice
July 10, 2024
for a while, and particularly for the past few summers, i have contemplated getting an ice machine (our freezer has a built-in ice maker but there's...
time capsule
March 2, 2024
i remember thinking, as a kid born in the 80s, that music from the 80s sounded so old. they were the oldies and they weren't even that old, relatively. and...
it’s the most dreadful part of winter, and so
January 25, 2024
i usually use ulysses to write on my ipad, but it keeps re-downloading all of my cloud files and i get distracted by staring at the sidebar which is in a...
the immense noise
August 24, 2023
we left the windows open all day, for the first time in months. it’s so quiet without the a/c and the fans whirring, except there’s also the noises of...
crimson and clover, over and over
July 4, 2023
are we all persephone, dragged into the underworld for half the year? and on the other side, we have summer: the luscious farmer’s market fruit, a halo of...
i am depressed!
February 14, 2023
for part of the winter, i am like: i love this, actually, because i can wear chunky knits and fleeced leggings and i am not wearing a sheen of sweat, always....
the dying breaths of leo season
August 31, 2022
i am not ready for virgo szn, even though it’s already here. i am mourning, as ㅎ said, the dying breaths of leo season. even though i didn’t love the record-...
June 24, 2022
sometimes i want to be industrious and update my hobonichi and write something for a project in notion and other times i want to change into my house dress,...
i, i keep a record of the wreckage in my life
September 13, 2021
the other day h pointed out that i’ve listened to taylor swift the most on spotify, and by that ranking, it seems i like her more than billie eilish. but...
a little games, mostly Billie | Beyoncé | Olivia | Lorde
July 3, 2021
📌 Note: (The italicized parenthetical remarks are from my most recent self on July 2.) Hi. Enough time has passed that I can call this my Q2 edition. 🥲 (And,...
🌷 March 2021 🌷
April 1, 2021
We live near a school which shut down last year. I like to walk Miso there. It feels safe, and strange; through the glass, you can see piles of chairs, desks...
february 2021
March 1, 2021
it got away from me, as always. i have wisps of drafts, unrefined rocks of thoughts yet untumbled. i am finally sat down, and i am tired now. i don’t do a...
lately & furc 〰️ 3 things
February 1, 2021
i’ve been meaning to write pt. 2 of the august mix, but i haven’t. lately i’ve been trying to figure out how i can cheat bar chords on the guitar, learning...
letter of recommendation
January 2, 2021
i was going to write something more thoughtful, but i started this retrospective way too late and it’s practically almost (and it's now) 1/2/21 in this time...
august pt. 1
September 1, 2020
august work shit chores himalayan blackberry loungers plastic blocks, pixel cards ‘za folklore avatar fixed stars wildness mania (bonus track) 1. work shit...
18: Alone, Kipo
July 2, 2020
CW: Animal murder We watch Alone sometimes: a U.S. survival reality show where contestants are placed miles apart in a wilderness. The prize is half a...
current mood: okay
May 1, 2020
pods after seven years, kevin smith restarted my favorite podcast with his wife: plus one. re-listening to the old episodes is sort of weird, because i can...
Love in the Time of Corona
April 1, 2020
Not much to say this month. I read My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell. It was very sad, very dark, and I think very necessary. She articulates the...
The Invisible Man, New Year, Business Miso, Billie
March 1, 2020
the invisible man We watched The Invisible Man and it was chilling. There is a lot of silence, a lot of long shots panning through the rooms of a house and...
things i'll miss about bloomington
July 3, 2019
the three trails through town, partway lined with canopies of trees, partway gravel, stretching downtown and farther south, past an enormous field with...
January 15, 2018
why i haven't written
September 26, 2017
April 28, 2017
April 26, 2017
April 20, 2017
cleaning tip
January 29, 2017
not okay
January 22, 2017
text only
January 20, 2017
two books
January 15, 2017
twitter tonight
January 11, 2017