Creative Technology Weekly #44
#44 - October 25th, 2019 Read it in your browser
Hello! 👋
This week's projects showcase the potential of the web! They explore machine learning, WebVR, and pop-up windows!
Have a good weekend! 💚

A collection of web experiments by Google Creative Labs designed to allude to the artistic possibilities of using PoseNet (running on tensorflow.js) to create a relationship between movement and machine. Repo.

You can also play with the editor here.

Popup experiment #4 by Matthew Rayfield in which you get to play a game of "Match 3" with browser windows.
You can find the code open-source in the repo.

I never share my side projects in my newsletter (I feel weird about it) but I almost gave up on this one cause I couldn't figure it out for quite some time, and now that I did, f*ck it, I'm sharing it everywhere! 😂
You can play a Beat Saber clone with hand movements using Tensorflow.js & PoseNet! Repo & blog post.

JavaScript UI component for interacting with audio waveforms.
Check out this tech & art festival in Germany in August next year!
Codevember 2019
Codevember is starting in a few days!! 🎉
How to create motion hover effects with image distortions using Three.js
Tutorial on how to create nice hover effects on images.
Making Gooey image hover effects with Three.js
Tutorial on how to create gooey reveal hover effects on images with Three.js using noise within a shader.Making Gooey image hover effects with Three.js
The formulartic spectrum
Great talk by Suz Hinton at JSConf Budapest 2016 about creative coding and how we can use code and the data around us to express ourselves.
Any feedback, suggestion, question or links you'd like to share, feel free to contact me
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