Creative Technology Weekly #15
#15 - February 1, 2019 Read it in your browser
Hello! 👋
Mostly a bunch of interactive web experiences this week using Three.js, tone.js, CSS and the Web Audio API. Hope you enjoy!
Volume controlled variable fonts
Quick Codepen sketch experimenting with sound and variable fonts.
Quick Codepen sketch experimenting with sound and variable fonts.
Web-based viewer for BeatSaver maps, built with A-Frame and JavaScript. I actually don't understand how to play but it looks cool...
A one month experimentation with sound, algorithms & unconventional sequencers. You can find the code on Github.
A one month experimentation with sound, algorithms & unconventional sequencers. You can find the code on Github.
Lightweight 3d physics engine for javascript.
A tutorial on how to create a 3D building wave animation with three.js and TweenMax.
Any feedback, suggestion, question or links you'd like to share, feel free to contact me
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