#83 - Creative applications with radio waves, the human body and your location
Hello! 👋
This week’s projects all explore different ideas from turning invisible data into audible sound, to powering devices using only the human body, and generating an infinite story based on your location.
Enjoy! 💚

As I’ve been experimenting with antennas and radio frequencies this year, I started being curious about potential creative applications. I’m especially interested in visualizing invisible data but some projects focus on turning it into music. In his project, Anti-Wave, Kristen Roos examines the silent electromagnetic transmissions and translates them into audible sounds.

Power over skin
Really interesting research looking into using the human body to deliver power to battery-free wearables. You can read the paper here.

Infinite podcast, continuously generated by AI as you walk. Based on where you are, it generates a story about the streets, landmarks and history, sometimes making stuff up, creating a unique and unplanned experience.
Happening from November 1st-3rd in California, this conference usually focuses on hardware and hacking. This year’s talks look super interesting, from smart glasses to brain-machine interfaces, e-textiles, and more!
You can also watch last year’s talks here.