#80 Creative Tech Weekly - starting again
Hello! 👋
Sooo, it's been almost 3 years since I last sent this newsletter 😅. I used to love curating projects and I really miss building creative experiments and sharing things with people so I've decided to try and get back to it!
This week, I mostly came across AI-powered art installations.
Enjoy! 💚

Narciss is a robot that uses artificial intelligence to investigate itself and reflect on its own existence. Built using TensorFlow, the installation captures images of itself and generates verbalized descriptions in real time. You can read more about it on Christian Mio Loclair's website.

Latent Space Intervention
Art installation exploring the potential of generative AI with immersive spatial experiences. A touchscreen interface allows visitors to influence the artwork generated by models, creating a collaborative experience between humans and AI.

Interactive AI art installation that blurs the boundaries between remembrance and imagination. Users whisper a fragmented story from the past and the AI fills in details in real-time to create new visual memories.

This one doesn’t use AI! 🎉 This Audiovisual installation uses holographic displays lined up in a row, creating an interesting three-dimensional effect. I saw it recently at an exhibition in Berlin and it was really cool!
Cybernetic countercultures intensive
A 12-week online course in the history of organic cybernetics. Starting on September 30th, every Monday until December 16th. You can find out more info here.
Maker Faire Bay Area
If you’re in the Bay Area, the Maker Faire will be on Mare Island on October 18-20. I’m definitely gonna check it out! If you’re interested, remember to get tickets.
If you’re not in the Bay Area, you can also check other upcoming events.
Online tool to create interactive visual web content without having to type a line of code.