Welcome aboard

Life is busy so thank you for making the choice to follow my writing. I’ll do my best to make it worth your while.
Some housekeeping:
If this email went to your spam/junk/other, moving it to your main inbox will show your email provider that it’s a real newsletter you (might) care about.
Adding my email address (fish@newsletter.dereksilva.me) to your address book will help this get delivered each week.
To help you get started:
If you want to learn more about how this newsletter works, read my first post. Then you can peruse all my posts.
If you have questions or comments for me, reply to one of my emails and I’ll reply to you. You can also email me here.
If you’re obsessed with me and want more of my content, here’s my personal website.
Otherwise, don’t forget to check your spam folder or your Promotions tab (for Gmail users) in case my first couple of emails are erroneously sent there.
I’ll see you again soon!