Welcome to Deno Newsletter issue #41!
Every two weeks we serve you with a bunch of useful information and links for every Deno enthusiast.
Useful links:
[embed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NxV6JxtbeE] [tweet https://twitter.com/hashedrock/status/1201154581792616450]
[tweet https://twitter.com/deno_land/status/1199421935521632256] [tweet https://twitter.com/deno_land/status/1202789331146084357]
Over the course of last two weeks we had two releases; v0.25.0 and v0.26.0. Those releases finally brought some long awaited changes!
As we're getting closer to v1.0, remember to track the progress in this issue.
Deno – a better Node.js? | Krzysztof Piechowicz
Deno jsconf.jp - Google Slides
Slides from jsconf.jp by @kitsonk
[tweet https://twitter.com/AdrienLASSELLE/status/1202901996635901952]
deno-lambda/example at master · hayd/deno-lambda · GitHub
A deno runtime for AWS Lambda.
GitHub - paulmillr/noble-ed25519
Noble ed25519. High-security, easily auditable, 0-dep, 1-file pubkey, scalarmult & EDDSA
GitHub - paulmillr/noble-bls12-381
Noble BLS12-381 pairing-friendly curve in JS. High-security, easily auditable, 0-dep aggregated signatures & pubkey
GitHub - paulmillr/noble-secp256k1
Noble secp256k1. High-security, easily auditable, 0-dep, 1-file pubkey & ECDSA signature scheme
GitHub - paulmillr/noble-ripemd160
Noble RIPEMD160. High-security, easily auditable, 0-dep, 1-file hash function
GitHub - justjavac/deno-murmurhash
An incremental implementation of MurmurHash3 for JavaScript
The clipboard copy/paste API for Deno.
Text encoder and decoder exported as simple functions
Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more news next week!
- Bartek