Dendron Weekly: 0.96 release, Local Graph View in Sidebar, Self Contained Vaults, bug fixes, and more!
It’s time for a weekly roundup! The email newsletter is a curated collection of weekly updates about Dendron and the Dendron community!
A New Dendron Release has Appeared!
Local Graph View in Sidebar
The graph view is now avaiable in the Dendron Sidebar Connect the dots - any way you want!
Self Contained Vaults now Default
Self Contained Vaults are now set as the default which means any new vault you create or add will be self contained. This means you no longer need a separate workspace to use a vault, your collaborators can simply pull down the vault and lookup immediately!
Everything Else
fix(workspace): block anchor after table crashes preview
fix(workspace): doctor removeStubs resulting in 'no data' prompt
General Updates
Greenhouse this Friday!
We have a Greenhouse Talk this week where Dendron members will share their workflows. We are still looking for last-minute speakers so if you have a workflow you would like to share, please ping @kevin on Discord!
- Greenhouse Talk (Fri, May 27th, 04:00 PM PST / 00:00 UTC)
Dendron Reading Series
This week's entry in the Dendron Reading Series.
The author makes the case that links can be used to implement all the nice things we have in PKM today, from the simple folder to the elusive triplets of the semantic web.
The argument for using links instead of dedicated functionality is to keep the system simple.
Simple systems that come together to create complex behaviour are generally more resilient than complex systems that create complex behaviour.
This plays out a lot in technology. RISC vs BASIC, C++ vs Go, etc.
Sometimes though, complexity is needed (eg. type-checking is now being universally adopted, even in programming languages that did not have it).
There's always a balance to be struck but when in doubt, I like simple systems that can create complex functionality through composition.
One metaphor that we push on in Dendron is that "everything is a note". Tags are notes, mentions are notes, the database is a collection of notes. Dendron layers functionality on top of notes (backlinks, refactoring, lookup, etc) which means adding a new feature to notes automatically augments all functionality that uses notes (aka everything).
How far can we push this? We are just scratching the surface of note-fying all the things. What else can be a note?
Event Reminders
Greenhouse Talks: Visit the Greenhouse Talks for notes from previous sessions.
Subject: Getting Things Done (GTD) and Other Task-Management Workflows (with Dendron!)
Description: Interested speakers from the community will take 5 - 10 minutes each to present their workflows for managing actionable information, followed by an open discussion. The event will be recorded and later published online.
Office Hours: Visit the Office Hours page for notes from previous sessions.
New User Tuesdays: Visit the New User Tuesdays page for notes from previous sessions.
Community Teatime: Drink tea, eat food, and hang out with the Dendron crew!
Thank You's
A big thanks to the following gardeners that brought up issues, contributions, and fixes to this release :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: Visit Discord Roles for more information.
@PJ Wu#4806
Steven Hilton
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