Hello everyone! Just a quick update on some recent presentations about work that I'm involved with.
On the program analysis front, my team at GitHub launched Code Navigation back in November, providing
jump to definition and
find all references for all public and private Python, Go, and Ruby repositories. I was invited to speak about our Code Navigation implementation at the
Dependency Management devroom at
FOSDEM this year. The video has been posted, so if you're interested, check out the
event page for details! (And click through to my
talks page if you want to see other talks I've given!)
On the network performance front, I co-authored a
paper about Network Error Logging that will be
presented in a couple of weeks at
NSDI 2020. The paper goes into a good bit of detail about why the protocol is the way that it is — for instance, the privacy and security concerns that we had to take into account, and how those affected the design. It also mentions a couple of interesting outages that we were able to detect while developing the protocol at Google.
Hope you enjoy, and thanks for subscribing!