Soulful Computing
[Soulful Computing] Austin, TX: Progress & Nostalgia
July 1, 2022
Hello friend, I'm in Austin over the 4th of July weekend to visit family. Every time I come back to Texas I have incredibly mixed feelings about how this...
[Soulful Computing] 100 Days and a Restart
June 26, 2022
Hello friend, It’s been over a year since I last visited your inbox. If you don’t remember me or simply don’t want to receive any more of these letters every...
[Soulful Computing] That New Computer Smell
April 25, 2021
Hello friend, Do you remember the way your first computer smelled? When I was quite young, maybe 7 or 8 years old, my dad came home one day with a plastic...
[Soulful Computing] Anything but NFTs
March 26, 2021
Hello friend, Thank you for all the outpouring of kind words for my newsletter last week . It was a huge catharsis to write it, and I was so touched that it...
[Soulful Computing] The Grief Multiplier and Gratitude
March 19, 2021
Hello friend, It's been a very long while since you've heard from me. A lot has happened since I last showed up in your inbox. Below is an extended, personal...
[Soulful Computing] "Happy" New Year? If you say so.
January 8, 2021
Hello friend, Uhhhmmm… Happy New Year? This week, we watched unprecedented events unfold at the United States Capitol, and as I am writing this, we don’t...
[Soulful Computing] Patience
December 18, 2020
There’s something about December that sends me into a frenzy of trying to wrap up projects as if I’m trying to make up for not being as productive as I could...
[Soulful Computing] The Show Must Go On(line)
December 7, 2020
I have a confession. Somewhere in middle of Act II of Hamilton, I think between "The Adams Administration" and "We Know," I fell fast asleep. This was the...
[Soulful Computing] Choose Your Own Adventure
November 13, 2020
Hello friend, Due to my choices, I died many, many times when I was a child. Luckily, I kept my fingers inside the pages and could always undo my mistakes....
[Soulful Computing] Bricolage 002
November 6, 2020
Hello friend, This is another Bricolage episode of the newsletter. From the first Bricolage: I made a plan for weeks like this, where an extended essay on a...
[Soulful Computing] Election Day 2020
November 3, 2020
(Originally posted on November 3, 2020) Hello friend, Today is Election Day in the United States in the middle of a pandemic. Citizens will participate in a...
[Soulful Computing] Error 1202
October 23, 2020
Hello friend, Aboard the Lunar Module Eagle (LM-5), Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were 30,000 feet above the moon surface and rapidly descending. It was...
[Soulful Computing] (Not so) Quiet, Please
October 15, 2020
Hello friend, Dak Prescott, the 27-year-old quarterback for NFL's Dallas Cowboys, suffered an especially gruesome ankle injury last Sunday. I don't recommend...
[Soulful Computing] Bricolage 001
October 8, 2020
Hello friend, When I started this Soulful Computing newsletter project, I promised myself that I would prioritize consistent publication. I’ll send out a...
[Soulful Computing] Eye to Eye
October 1, 2020
Hello friend, Dressed in a long-sleeved, untucked white shirt, he climbs onto a platform in front of the audience. For the next ten minutes, he says nothing...
[Soulful Computing] Press 1 to Continue
September 24, 2020
Hello friend, I had a meeting with a colleague a few days ago, and she requested that instead of a video chat over Zoom, we should pick up the phone and have...
[Soulful Computing] Time is Weird in 2020
September 17, 2020
Hello friend, Time is weird in 2020, wouldn't you agree? I've been thinking a lot lately about a practice I learned from my friend, Jamie Zigelbaum, when we...
[Soulful Computing] Freediving into a Spreadsheet
September 10, 2020
Hello friend, Dan Bricklin's professors at the Harvard Business School thought he was wasting his time creating an electronic substitute for the paper...
[Soulful Computing] Happy Upgrade Day
September 3, 2020
Hello Friend, Happy Upgrade Day. You are on an operating table, immobilized, but fully awake. You glance sideways and see the brain implant in a sterile...
[Soulful Computing] Study With Us
August 27, 2020
Hi friend, I recently joined a global study group. I spend so many hours with these people during the pandemic that I now call them my friends. They have no...
[Soulful Computing] Touching a Heartbeat
August 20, 2020
Hello friend, I took the Apple Watch for a long walk last weekend. It did something unexpected and unattractive. I'm left wondering if I have any place for...
[Soulful Computing] Hello, World
August 13, 2020
Hello friend, Let's talk about source code. Here's a program. Right now, your instinct is to immediately delete this newsletter, thinking you've made a...