I’ve been doing tiktok videos where I take requests to look at specific school district budget crises. I research the district using audited financial statements, bond statements, reporting, and youtube videos of school board meetings, and find a point of interest in that crisis. The videos are about a minute long.
Some of these videos have gotten a lot of attention. The last one I did on Pasadena got more than 100,000 views on the platform, which is more than I’ve ever gotten.
In the comment sections of the videos, people started asking me to look at their district. I started a list of these and I’ve been working through them slowly. But I couldn’t keep up (even with help from readers like Alan Gao). The list is now at over 100 districts. Plus, I don’t know what’s going to happen to tiktok in the future.
So I want to try something. I’ve been impressed with Reddit generally, and I decided to start a subreddit for school district budget stuff.
It’s called r/schoolbudgetbs.
I’m hoping the subreddit can be a place to talk about schools and money in a critical way. So I’ve got a request: if you’ve got a question, crisis, link, or anything you want to discuss about schools and money, could you follow that link and post something?