The DashKite Newsletter, Inauguration Edition
** The Inauguration Edition
DashKite Newsletter, January 27th, 2021 In honor of last week’s inauguration, we’ve got some exciting content for you: * David’s spicy take on Birdwatch as civics cosplay * The long-promised Why We’ll Pay For Social Media feature * Our blogging application, Byline, outperforms WordPress and Medium
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** Twitter’s Birdwatch Is Civics Cosplay
Today Twitter unveiled Birdwatch ( , their new project to provide “a community-based approach to misinformation.” While this sounds like something that’s meant to help people, its real purpose is to help Twitter’s reputation — which is a shame because we desperately need the former.
Here’s how we can tell.
** Why We’ll Pay For Social Media
When we talk about what we’re doing with DashKite, and Civic, in particular, people often ask whether people will pay for social media. This is a natural question with any product: will people pay for it, and, if so, how much? But for social media, it’s a particularly critical question.
** Byline Blog Posts Load Faster Than Posts On WordPress Or Medium
We wrote Byline to provide the essential features for blogging—and nothing else. This helps ensure that Byline posts load quickly. This is good because loading quickly is, itself, an essential feature. When people are waiting for your post to load, for every tenth of a second ( that passes, a few people give up.
** Next Issue
Why We Pushed Back Our Product Launch
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