Newsletter, No. 2: Propaganda and Disinformation
** Civic Beta Newsletter, Issue No. 2
I’m trying a simpler format this month, since we got reports that the newsletter didn’t render properly on some devices. Please let me know if you have any issues viewing this one. Thank you!
** Our Latest Blog Post
Facebook and Twitter Promote Propaganda and Disinformation. We Can Do Better.
On January 6th, terrorists occupied our nation’s Capitol ( . Five people died, and elected officials and workers at the Capitol were in placed grave danger. While in office, Trump has routinely incited violence using social media. Only when Biden’s victory was certified by Congress did Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit take action ( to stop Trump from using their platforms.
Too little, too late. (
In light of these events, our mission feels more relevant than ever. The major ad-supported social platforms continue to play a critical role in the spread of propaganda and disinformation. The result is harm on an often massive scale.
** Next Issue
Why We’ll Pay For Social Media
As always, thank you for reading and for your support.
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