Happy New Year! 🎉
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** Our Inaugural Newsletter!
** What We Can Do Together
The purpose of this newsletter is to keep you updated on our progress, send you beta invites once we launch, and, perhaps most crucially, to force a sense of community around our mission.
Social media is broken. The headlines tell us that every day. But to fix it, we need more than just ground-breaking tech. We also need to build a community. After all, no matter how great the platform, if no one uses it, it just doesn’t matter.
But with your help, we can grow this community and take a step toward more fully realizing the vast potential of the Web to make the world a better place!
** Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It…
Our first ask—well, I guess it’s the second, since the first was asking you to subscribe—is to get one person to subscribe to our newsletter. If everyone does this, we can double the size of the list in our first week!
I realize some of you might be reluctant to do this. To be clear, we’re not asking you to spam people. Do you know someone who is frustrated with the state of social media today? Who has experienced harassment or abuse online? Or maybe is concerned about the surveillance state we’re building through our use of social media? If so, they might want to subscribe!
** Links You Can Share
If you know someone who might be interested in what we’re up to, here are a few links you can share with them: * Our Web site (https://www.dashkite.com/) * Our mission (https://www.dashkite.com/mission) * The Civic announcement (https://byline.dashkite.com/post/dashkite/3V03me6CTgKeqtLwx9ZEOg/announcing-civic-next-generation-social-media) * The beta signup/subscription page (https://mailchi.mp/3c11ca927450/lets-stay-in-touch)
Thank you for helping us spread the word!
** Looking Forward…
Obviously, 2020 was a rough year. But within that, there were many acts of hope. We elected a new President. And a Black woman as Vice-President! We developed vaccines for the COVID-19 virus with unprecedented speed. And, in our own humble way, this newsletter is one of those acts of hope.
We’re excited about sharing our work with you. Part of our journey has been learning about the mistakes of the past so we can be sure to avoid repeating them (https://byline.dashkite.com/post/dan/qp9S-fxcixOxXhhddqD0ig/we-can-t-reclaim-what-we-never-had) . Which is probably a decent theme for 2021. We’re going to share these lessons with you in our upcoming issues.
In the meantime, please have a safe and happy New Year. See you in 2021!
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