Courses for Summer 2024
Courses for Summer 2024
It's hard to believe, but summer is nearly upon us. With that, I have a final round of courses to offer before I return to Brown University in the fall to complete round two of my Programming Languages sabbatical.
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, July 8-12. If you really want to challenge your mind, this is the class for you. In the modern age of programming, I don't know exactly where SICP fits. I just know that this book will make you think--and maybe that's a good thing.
- Advanced Programming with Python, August 12-16. A course that covers a wide range of programming ideas that I wish I had been taught. Includes topics on data abstraction, object-oriented programming, functional programming, event-driven systems, testing, and lightweight program verification strategies.
- Rafting Trip, August 19-23. Challenge yourself with the task of trying to implement the Raft distributed consensus algorithm--and likely failing. Or is it flailing? Maybe it's a bit of both. In any event, perhaps this course is more about the challenge than the final result.
Sabbatical (Round Two)
As noted above, I'm returning to teach the Programming Languages course at Brown with Shriram Krishnamurthi this fall. The last time around, I was mulling the idea of how I might offer some of this material as an outside course. To that end, I'm still mulling over that idea. In the meantime, the greatest impact of last year's sabbatical has been a major rethinking of how I approach the compiler project in my Write a Compiler course. At the moment, that course is sold out for the summer, but it will return in December.
If you're interested in more advanced topics related to programming languages, drop me a note. I can't involve you directly in the Brown class, but I've been toying with ideas for a future course. Perhaps it would be possible to prototype some of that this fall.
Help Spread the Word
In an age where ads seem to have eaten the world, I've been fortunate in being able to offer all of my public training material in an ad-free format. This includes the Practical Python Programming and Advanced Python Mastery courses as well as a completely ad-free YouTube channel.
The courses that I offer make this possible. For that, I'd like to thank everyone who has attended!