A New Talk: Dimensional Shifting
Do Formal Systems Inform Actual Systems?
I've long had an interest in the practical aspects of "system building." Admittedly that's probably a bit vague, but I'd probably focus it on very concrete things like operating systems, networks, embedded systems, programming language implementation and things generally of that nature. Basically, it's actual code that has to work in the actual world to solve an actual problem.
Recently, however, I've developed a growing interest in more mathematically formal systems such as lambda calculus and category theory. At first glance, these topics appear to be so abstract, esoteric, and theoretical, it's hard to see how they might apply to anything practical. However, I'm not so sure. Perhaps there is something practical to be learned from formal systems.
On July 7, I gave a talk at TNG Big Tech Day, Munich where I explored the intersection of Raft, lambda calculus, and category theory. I've just posted a screencast of the talk to YouTube. Enjoy!