From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #13: Sci-fi, Chairs & Cities
Find the most interesting corners of the Internet this month below!
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** The Curious Corner #13
Hiya! This is the 13th edition of the Curious Corners around the web! I’ve been curating a live-version together with my now chipped twin ( at the Permanent Beta day ( . Over 80 people showed up, but that’s mostly because we had cake!
Thanks to One-tab ( , have a look at all the things we’ve shown ( at the event!
For this edition, we have an entirely new list of things you should explore: * Released yesterday, the trailer for Chappie ( a new movie by my favorite director Neill Blomkamp.
- Keeping on science fiction, why we need the dark arts ( especially on Tumblr.
- The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows ( , a tumblr of invented words.
- As a child I used to build forts from chairs, beds and pillows, but michael tomalik ( takes it on another turn. Design a chair that resembles and inspires to do the same as an adult.
- Living food ( , would you eat it?
- Building imaginary cities… ( What starts as an idea, but might become reality.
- I would love to hike theTrans-Catalina Island Trail ( .
- A turntable ( , made possible by IKEA.
A chair ( with 1 pair of feet?
You’ve probably seen it, but I couldn’t skip the Paper Airplane Machine Gun ( .
- I started reading: Lapham’s Quarterly ( . A highly recommended magazine on history and ideas.
- What does a tower in Belgium ( have to do with High Frequency Trading? (Read all the parts up to number 4!)
I’m exploring the current list of all the things I’ve send so far, I might be able to put them into a database and make them publicly available. I’ll keep you updated in the next edition!
Keep on doing what you’re doing and I’ll bring some fresh links next month! And don’t forget to share, thanks!
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