From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #7: Cryogenics, Saving Sounds & The Fifth Element
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** The Curious Corner #7
This is the new edition of the Curious Corner of the Internet. If you have any feedback, let me know at: ( .
Did you even know I did a live session of the Curious Corner? Have a look at the video ( , sadly it’s in dutch, but there are some real gems in it!
Alrighty! Get them lined up: * A book and photographs of the oldest things in the world. It ( started as a crowdfunded campaign and can now be ordered. * A sci-fi classic, The Fifth Element in 8-bit ( . * Detroit might be going for an abandoned future, but there’s beauty ( in that future too. * Amazon’s related items algorithms unintentionally educate the buyer for drug manufacturing ( . Sidenote: algorithms and their quirky nature tend to be a trend in these newsletters. * A dutch festival, about Ego ( . * Ever played a guitar an wondered if you could replay the last few riffs? Now you can ( ! * I have trouble starting, but it might be for you. Lift put their guide ( for meditation online. Including data to prove it! * I’ve come across Josh Berson’s blog ( about a month ago. Even though his last article is from last year, their contents spark curiosity. * Got the video ( from my twin-brother. * Thinking about writing a book? GitBook ( would be the tool that i’d use. * Beer Lollypops, Beer Lollypops ( , Beer Lollypops. * A curated gallery of Hong Kong neon-signs ( . * A short movie about cryogenics, ( we will live again.
On to the next edition number, if you’re not frozen! Let you’re friends know by forwarding this email and say to them they have to subscribe! You might win a marshmellow!
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