From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #42: Bamboo, airplanes and puzzles
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** The Curious Corner #43
Hello! Edition 43… phew, as I was curating this newsletter I saw that I started this newsletter in 2013, that’s a while ago and number 50 is slowly creeping up on us… Thanks for being a member of this curious little newsletter so far! If you like it, I would invite you to share this newsletter with someone who would love these kind of things. (it’s as easy as one click! Thanks for spreading the word!):|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Tweet (|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| +1 (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|) |FORWARD| Forward to Friend (|FORWARD|) Here’s this month: * The only blind person ( to have climbed Mt. Everest. * Lesser known ( giant statues. * One leg ( is better than two. * Paper money ( without a bank. * A game about a game ( , that doesn’t exist. * Who owns land ( in England. * Make your own medieval city ( . * More and more ( lobster! * A tailor ( for bullfighters. * The difference, between roads, avenues, drives, lanes, courts and boulevards ( . * It’s red, delicious and the worst apple ( . * Explore one of the largest temple complex ( in the world, with your browser. * Which country has the lowest password strength ( ? * This ( is what it’s like to be struck by lightning. * Paintings of monkeys getting drunk ( . * Winning the battle for Riddler Nation ( . * The first cookbook ( . * Trade stock with other people together ( ! * Eight days on Kumano Kodo ( . * It’s better to read the best book on the topic 5 times, than to read 5 different books ( on the topic once. * Typography of signs ( in Berlin. * A concrete jungle, by Edward James ( . * A reverse ( prime. * Hilldegarden, a green pyramid from a bunker ( . * So to make the ocean’s plight ( more relatable, a Swedish sustainability group is putting out a message that will hit you where it counts: right in the nerd. * Left to right, or right to left for printing a spine ( of a book?
That’s it, thanks for reading! Let me know by email (!&body=Hi%20Joost!) if you have any suggestions for the Curious Corner!
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