From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #39: Marbling, tears and theorems
Find the most interesting corners of the Internet this month below!
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** The Curious Corner #39
Hello there! Welcome to another edition of the Curious Corner. I’ve attached an image of one of my favorite artists: Moebius. I found it while digging in my readinglist, so this edition might include some old corners as well, I’m not sure ;-).
Also: we’re almost at 500 subscribes, thanks for being one! If you like the the Curious Corner, please help us further along by sharing this newsletter (it’s as easy as one click! Thanks for spreading the word!):|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Tweet (|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| +1 (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|) |FORWARD| Forward to Friend (|FORWARD|) Here we go for this month * Single stroke dragons ( . * A sea water antenna ( . * The son of a famous druglord makes a good architect ( . * Bikelife ( in south London. * Did a UFO ( land in Japan in early 19th century? * The art of the paper marbler ( . * Safety codes ( for martini’s * The web number one site for shoelaces ( . * Solomon and the Phoenix ( . * A bridge ( made to fit for airplanes and boats. * The Machine ( , a thought experiment to save the world. * Lost letters ( in the alphabet. * From juggling ( to pouring concrete. * Finding the holy grail amongst arcade machines ( . * Lucky ( almanacs from Japan. * A gun that shoots tears ( . * Why showering ( sometimes results in ideas. * Dance music (http:/// for when you’re alone. * A theorem ( a day. * A look into the world of Hypernurnia ( . * Play a game of really bad ( chess everyday, against an AI, but with different pieces every time. * How much coal ( was needed in early London for breweries? * The quietest ( place in the United States. * A science fiction background-noise generator ( . * Reddit made a book on all the Ask Me Anything ( ‘s. * How do you sell an artwork ( that is a piece of earth?
That’s it, thanks for reading! Let me know by email (!&body=Hi%20Joost!) if you have any suggestions for the Curious Corner!
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