From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #29: Vikings, Pinkies and microscopy
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** The Curious Corner #28
Hi there! This months catch has been wonderful, ranging from vikings, to pinkies to microscopy and self-forgetfulness. In other words, scroll down below for the goodness! If you like the the Curious Corner, please help us further along by sharing this newsletter (it’s as easy as one click!):|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Tweet (|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| +1 (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|) |FORWARD| Forward to Friend (|FORWARD|) * Once wanted to forget something but couldn’t? Here is why and how ( . * Around the world in 33 keyboards ( . * Woah, I didn’t know entire submarines are de-magnetized ( ? * The oldest mystery ( about humans. * Treasure in a cornfield ( . * An entire book for 1 row ( of code. (For making mazes) * The vikings surely had some wise ( things to say! * Could we bring Dune ( to the Nevada Desert? * You’re drifting in a rowboat on a quiet pond. Another boat bumps against your own and jolts you out of your self-forgetfulness ( . * The mystery of the mango is gone, she tells me. It’s no longer a sacred icon as before ( . * Interesting problem this is, how should we go about to create a good computer voice ( that we accept as human? * Guess ( the correlation game. * Pinkies ( for the ex-mafia members. * How to land a 737 ( , in 10 minutes. * That number is mathematically mutated into more seeds by a cascading series ( of algorithms—a computerized pseudo-randomness generator. * Great video’s explaining mathematical concepts ( . * Harvard keeps a library of colors ( . * A highway ( to Tuktoyaktuk. * When translating Kafka’s short ( story “Metamorphosis” into Japanese it turns out they have a different association with these insects. * The prisoner dilemma ( , with some interesting evolutions. * Integers-as-a-service-providers ( : we have infinity on our side. * The books and manuscripts were disappearing from a room no one seemed to be entering. It has to be an inside job ( ) . * Adjusting sounds ( for sleep, work and activity with a bit of help from machine learning. * “Life as a microscopist” is a series ( about men and women behind the microscopes. (by Kees ( !) * A brief history of books that do not exist ( . * A language with just 100 words (http:/// .
That’s it, thanks for reading! Let me know by email (!&body=Hi%20Joost!) if you have any suggestions for the Curious Corner!
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