From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #19: Ants, Japan and maps.
Find the most interesting corners of the Internet this month below!
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** The Curious Corner #19
Hi there! Thanks for opening this email! This month I’ve searched trough my entire reading list (over 1000 items now) to share with you some of the amazing things I come across.
If you like what you see, please share it with a friend or on social media with the buttons below. Thanks!|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Tweet (|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| +1 (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|) |FORWARD| Forward to Friend (|FORWARD|) Here we go for the 19th edition: * After surprisingly few drinks ( the normal mode of locomotion is the stumble. * The Secret Life of Yo-Yo ( ‘s, * Lexograph ( a text document generated from digital image data. * The Ants Are Still Dead. Or how ( not to feel like a god. * The Bug Whisperer, on how compost is made ( . * Can books save us from what digital does ( to our brains? Or maybe this newsletter? :D * Never ever, store dry-ice in a thermos flask ( . And remember, it floats! * How often would you tinker around in Excel to get data to the format you want? This ( makes it easy! * De-colonizing and anthropology research about data ( . * Foundry list awesome show and tells ( about Maker projects. * Pooling ( the wisdom of Hacker News, to generate a book. * A dashboard in it’s simplest ( form. * The Birth of Saké ( . * Bits want to be linked to other bits. They need other bits. What do bits ( want? * The Museum of Modern Art in New York has a digital ( museum! * A self-powered ( camera. * This small newsletter is curated, but Jason Hirschhorn ( is surely a master. * I love old ( maps. * The Ten ‘Commandments ( ’ of Sushi. Now this makes me hungry!
That’s it for this month! Any suggestions for the next edition? Email me at: (!) . On to the next edition
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