From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #15: Writers, The Matrix and a Piano
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** The Curious Corner #15
Happy Perihelion ( and a New Year! I wish you a year stocked with interesting things, projects and work. I’ll be exploring ways to grow the Curious Corner to reach more people. Help me out by sharing:|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| Tweet (|URL:MC_SUBJECT|: |URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT| Share (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|&mini=true&title=|URL:MC_SUBJECT|)|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT| +1 (|URL:ARCHIVE_LINK_SHORT|) |FORWARD| Forward to Friend (|FORWARD|) I shoot a picture everyday at 8:36pm. And I’ve made a video ( from all the pictures of last year! Check it out on Vimeo! Now on to this editions list: * I’m not sure if I’d like to garnish my burger with this ( sauce. * A worm in a lego body ( . * I once had waffles, pickles and fried chicken at the same time, but never in the same burger ( . Now I’m hungry, this is perfect hangover food! * If you read Dune by Frank Herbert, you’ll love this cover ( . * Algorithms are becoming black boxes, or houses ( . * Designing glassware that can only be off, but still being beautiful. Sempli ( makes it. * Cory Doctorow, one of my heroes gave a great talk ( about redesigning the broken internet as we know it. * Another writer that I’d love to read. William Gibson ( on how he wrote Neuromancer. (I didn’t know it was commissioned!) * Playing Quake on a oscilloscope ( . So much nerd-ness involved here. Read the entire story! * Mesh companies ( , based on cognitive surplus, quasi-moonlighting is one way the Hyperloop could be build. * The New Yorker makes a great profile about a Weather Man ( somewhere in the northern sea’s. * Algorithms ( are merciless. (Maybe inadvertently so?) * A great visual ( of check in’s in Bejing! * Another science fiction writer that I like, Neal Stephenson ( is joining a startup that works on future interfaces. (I think this is great, we need more visionaries for future technologies) * The last few months, I’ve seen it arise more often, but it seems that basic minimal income has been explored ( . * If you’ve seen the Matrix trilogy, you might have wondered how the ending ( might have been. Of course this is purely an suggestion! * An amazing long read on the culture of the people that hunt honey ( . * Read the entire story ( , at the end you’ll see the end-product. Now that’s a great piano!
Thanks for reading! I’ll be back next month! In the meantime, feel free to email me ideas at: (!) .
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