From the Curious Corner of the Internet.. #12: Lamps, lamps and lamps on a roman helmet.
Find the most interesting corners of the Internet this month below!
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** The Curious Corner #12
There we go people! This is the 12th edition of the Curious Corner and that marks a anniversary! It’s been a great joy of compiling all the emails and I’ll keep on doing it! Be sure to join the live edition on the 3rd of November at the Permanent Beta Day ( ! Allright, let’s get going: * In need of a t-shirt ( ? Order one here and get the text on it from the person who bought it before you! * Shrinking Mankind ( a project to investigate what would happen to us and earth when we would be smaller. * I’ve played Commander Keen quite often in my youth, and the source-code ( has now been published on Github!
- Beer in a can with a Pantone color ( . Would it taste better?
- Want to buy a tank? Consider this ( a how-to. What an incredible story, especially towards the end!
- All libraries should look as beautiful as the one in Cincinnati ( .
- The Good Night Lamp ( is a internet of things lamp. Connected over cellular, so it works worldwide, even off wifi. I love the design and idea, but the price is a bit too steep.
- For everyone who wants to build a robot, check out the Soft Robotics Toolkit ( .
- Bacteria powered lamps? Yes! Teresa van Dongen developed the Ambio ( .
High Frequency Trading somehow keeps on returning on my list. Check out this great read about a tower in Belguim. (
Having a cube the shows the mood of a city? Why a display when paint ( seems to work just as well!
- Mattias Adolfsson ( makes great art, that makes you want to explore his work. There’s always a detail to discover.
- Roman Porry, light years away. ( Now that’s a rocking wearable!
- When astronauts go into space? What would they take to prepare for an emergency landing back on earth? You know it when you read: Inside the Cosmonaut Survival Kit ( .
12 new editions await for the coming year. See ya!
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